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Heesung Pov
I Went And Bursted In His Door

"Look Who We Have Here The Dangerous Mafia Boss"Jun Ho Said While Smirking

"Where Is Y/n"I Said

"I Dont Know Your Talking"He Said I Sign Jake And Sunghoon To Hold Him As I Punch Him

"Where Is The Girl With You"I Said Punching His Face

"Ohh The Thief Girl"He Said

"Dont Call Her That Where Is She Where Did You Take Her"I Saif Grabbing His Collar While Yelling In Anger On Him

"I Dont Know"He Answered

"Okay Then You Pick It"I Said And Stab His Leg Using My Knife Making Him Scream

"Now Speak"I Said

"She Is In The Other Island Near Here I Told My Mens To Throw Her There"He Said While Laughing

"Okay Then Thanks For That"I Said And Shoot Him 3 Times

"Other Island Near Here Where Coulf It Be?"Jake Said Analyzing

"I Think He Is Talking On Jeju"Jay Sajd

"Yeah And Jeju Is 10 Minutes Near Here"Sunghoon Said

"Call Our Mens We Need Our Private Yatch Right Now And Call The Others"I Said As They Nodded Ans We Left

Author Nim Pov
Y/n Was Deep In Sleep And Was Ready To Throw As They Just Land In Jeju

"So Where Are We Going To Throw Her"One Of Jun Ho Men Said

"At The End Of That"Jun Ho Right Hand Said And Carry A Sack Were Y/n Is As They Throw It When

Heesung Pov
We Arrive I Saw His Mens Standing Here

"I Think Thats It Lets Go Now"I Said As I Run On It As The Othef Attack Them

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"I Think Thats It Lets Go Now"I Said As I Run On It As The Othef Attack Them

"Where Is The Girl"I Ask While Grabing His Right Hand's Collar

"She Is Now Death"He Said While Laughing I Quickly Punch Him And Dive In The Ocean I Swam As I Saw A Brown Sack Moving I Quickly Open It And Let Y/n Out On It As She Get Unconcious I Carry Her To A Bridal Style As I Do The CPR

"Please Be Alive I Still Need You"I Said And Do Put My Lips On Her Giving Her Some Oxygen And Do Again In The Chest When She Get Up Vomiting Water

"Y/n Your Alive Finally"I Said

"Heesung Ah I Love You"She Said And Passed Out

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