35)Hee Can We Help Him?

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Y/n Pov
We Were Now Here In The Park

We Were Sitting In The Bench While Eating Ice Cream When We Saw A Kid Crying I Was About To Go When Heesung Grab My Wrist

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We Were Sitting In The Bench While Eating Ice Cream When We Saw A Kid Crying I Was About To Go When Heesung Grab My Wrist

"Where Are You Going"He Ask

"I Will Just Help Him"I Said As He Nodder And Let Go Of My Wrist I Went To The Kid

"Hey Whats Wrong"I Said While Wiping His Tears Using My Thumb

"Im Lost I Dont Know Were My Mommy And Daddy Is"He Said

"Okay Dont Cry We Will Help You"I Said

"Thank You Miss"The Kid Said

"Noona Call Me Noona"I Said

"Y/n What Took You So Long"A Voice We Heard And It Was Heesung

"That Is Heesung My Boyfriend Call Him Hyung"I Said

"Annyeong Haseyo Hyung(Hello Older Brother)"The Kid Said

"So What Happened"Heesung Ask

"Well These Kid Is Lost Whats Your Name"I Said

"Im Rowoon"The Kid Said

"Okay Hee Can We Help Him"I Said

"Sure We Can"Heesung Said

"Great So Why Did You Lost"I Ask

"I Was Following A Butterfly And I Came Here"Rowoon Said

"Did You Remember Where Were Your Parents"Heesung Ask

"Yes In The Balloon Guy They Were About To Buy Me When I Follow The Butterfly"Rowoon Said

"Okay Then Lets Go Maybe They Are There"I Said As They Nodded We Walk Were Rowoon Told Us And Saw His Parents

"Rowoon Ah~"His Mom Called

"Mommy"Rowoon Said Running On Them

"Omo!Mister Lee It Was You Thank You For Helping Us"His Dad Said

"Thats Nothing"Heesung Said

"We Gotta Go Now Rowoon Dont Do That Again Okay Promise"I Said

"Promise Noona"Rowoon Said

"Thats Good Then Noona And Hyung Will Leave Now Bye"I Said And We Went In The Parking Lot

"Why Do You Look So Happy"Heesung Said

"Cause We Just Help A Kid Thats Good Right"I Said

"Just Say You Love Kids"Heesung Tease

"Yah!Lets Go Now In The Next Date Place"I Said

"Got It Maam"Heesung Said As I Chuckle On Him We Hop In The Car And He Drove Away

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