53)Knowing The Truth

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Heesung Pov
I Was Now Serving Hee Joon

"Okay Here Is Your Ramyeon"I Said Serving It On Him

"Yey!"Hee Joon Said While Start Eating It

"So How Was My Cook?"I Said

"Its The Best"Hee Joon Said Makes Me Chuckle As My Phone Vibrated Make The Lock Screen Show

"Uncle Why Is Your Lock Screen My Mommy"Hee Joon Ask I Think Its Time For Him To

"Hee Joon Ah I Have To Tell You Something"I Said

"What Is It Uncle?"Hee Joon Said

"Actually Im Your Real Dad"I Said

"What Your My Daddy?"Hee Joon Said

"Yes I Am Can You Gave Daddy A Hug?"I Said

"Yes Of Course"Hee Joon Said As He Give Me A Tight Hug

"I Miss You So Much"I Said

"I Finally Found You Daddy I Found You"Hee Joon Said As A Tear Drop In My Eyes

"Yes Lets Make This Day More Special"I Said As Ws Broke The Hug As I Wipe His Tears Using My Thumb

Y/n Pov
We Arrive In His Mansion As We Went Inside

"Y/n What Are You Doing Here"Jay Said

"Where Is Heesung"I Said

"Heesung Hyung?He Is Not Here"Jake Said

"Stop Hiding Your Friend Jake Where Is He"I Said

"Y/n I Think You Need To Calm Down First"Sunghoon Sajd

"No Where The Heck He Took My Son"I Said

"Noona Look Hee Joon Is Fine With Heesung Hyung Dont You W"I Cutted Sunoo Off

"Your Even My Cousin But You Still Side Him"I Said

"Noona Look I Think You Guys Shoulf Not Fighg I Think Its Ba"I Citted Jungwon Off

"Its Bad If He Took My Son Without His Permission"I Said

"Look Noona He Was Trying To Be A Good Father"Niki Said

"Then He Isn't He Didn't Name It In The First Place All Of Yoy Find My Son"I Said Ordering My Mens

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