23)Thats My Girlfriend

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Heesung Pov
The Others Was In The Pool Swimming When A Girl Went On Me

"Hi Can You Come With Me"The Girl Said

"No Now Go Away"I Said

"Please Lets Go On A Date"The Girl Said

"I Told You Go Away And Im Not Intrested On You"I Said

"But Im Intrested On You"She Said Okay This Girl Is Making Me Annoyed I Saw In The Other Hand Y/n Start Walking

"See That Hot Girl Thats My Girlfriend Now I Have To Go"I Said Going Towards Y/n

Y/n Pov
I Wiped My Body Cause On The Pool Water And There I Saw Heesung Walking Towards Me

Y/n PovI Wiped My Body Cause On The Pool Water And There I Saw Heesung Walking Towards Me

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(Okay I Promise I Died In This Edit)

"Ohh Hey Babe"Heesung Called Me As He Went Towards Me I Gave Him A What Look As He Gave Me A Go On

"Oww Hey Btw Who Is That Girl Who You Talk Though"I Said

"Well Just An Massage Employee"Heesung Said I Was About To Put My Cover When

"Let Me Help You On That"Heesung Said And Help Me Wear It As The Others Look Us In Teasing Way

"Gosh Help Me Im On Danger"Heesung Whispered On Me As I Nodded I Wear My Cover As Heesung Gave Me A Peck

"So Where Do You Want To Go Now"Heesung Said

"In The Room I Think I Forgot Something"I Said As He Interwine His Hand On Mine

"Okay Then Lets Go"Heesung Said As We Rode An Elevator

"Can You Remove Your Hands On Me Now"I Said

"Ahh Yeah Sure"Heesung Said As He Remove His Hands On Mine

"Gosh You Really Save Me On That Girl"He Said

"And Why"I Said

"Cause She Wants Me To Go Out On A Date And Im Not Intrested"He Said

"Why Would You Not Be Intrested On Her She Is Pretty"I Said

"Well Not That Its Just She Lookslike A Slut And Also I Love Somebody Already"Heesung Said

"Ohh Now I Know"I Said Our Elevator Stop And Went Open I Was About To Enter In Me And Chaeryeong Room When

"Y/n Wait!"He Said As I Turn Around On Him

"Becareful And Good Luck On Tonight's Mission"Heesung Said

"Yeah Thanks"I Said And Went Inside

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