37)Your So Pretty

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1 Month Later
Y/n Pov
I Was Now Here In Our Closet Room Getting Ready Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

1 Month LaterY/n PovI Was Now Here In Our Closet Room Getting Ready Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

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I Put My Lipstick On And Just Great Timing

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I Put My Lipstick On And Just Great Timing

"Y/n Are You Ready"A Voice I Heard Who Just Went In The Room And Well Its Just Lee Heesung

"Yeah So How Do I Look"I Said While Turning Arounf On Him

"Your So Pretty Babe"He Said

"You Should Be Cause If Sluts Go On You I Wont Hesitate To Kill Them"I Said As He Chuckle And Hug Me

"Yah!That Wont Happened Cause Your Already Here And Is That How You Are Really Aggresive If It Comes To Me"He Said

"I Should Be"I Said

"Yah!Stop And Lets Go Now The Others Must Be Waiting For Us"Heesung Said As We Went Downstairs Saw The Others

"Woah Noona Your So Pretty"Niki Said

"Really?"I Said

"Ohh Yes 100% Do You Think We Are Lying?"Sunoo Said Makes Me Chuckle

"Im Just Making Sure"I Said

"Well You Dont Have To Cause Kids Dont Lie"Jake Said

"Anyways Girls Will Probably Get Insecure On You And Death Glaring You Cause Your Pretty"Jay Said

"They Should Be Cause Y/n Is Just Like Me Im Handsome And She Is Pretty"Sunghoon Said Confidently

"Yeah Your Handsome But Dont Know How To Make Eye Contact On Others Cause On Your Introvert World"Jungwon Said Savagely

"Burn"Niki Said Teasing Sunghoon

"Yah!You Better Shut Up You Kid"Sunghoon Said

"Okay Guys Stop Fighting"I Said

"Is Everyone Already Even In Here"Heesung Ask

"Yes Hyung They Are Already Here Cause If Not I Will Flying Kick Them In My Taekwondo"Jungwon Said

"Okay So Update On Jae Hyuk Is He Already There"Heesung Ask

"Yes He Is Already Waiting For Us With The Other Treasure Members"Jay Said

"Okay Then Lets Make A 4 Groups Now Lets Go"Heesung Said And We Hop In To Our Cars And Drove Away

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