57)Lets Do The Plan Tonight

482 24 11

1 Year Later
Y/n Pov
We Are Now Here In The Cementery Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

1 Year LaterY/n PovWe Are Now Here In The Cementery Btw This Is What Im Wearing:

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We Were Here To Visit Heesung When Hee Joon Start Running

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We Were Here To Visit Heesung When Hee Joon Start Running

We Were Here To Visit Heesung When Hee Joon Start Running

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"Aish Hee Joon Stop Running"I Said As I Follow Him

"But Mommy"Hee Joon Said

"Dont Do That Again You Will Hurt Yourself Arrasso?"I Said Scolding Him

"Fine Sorry Mommy"Hee Joon Said While Hugging Me

"Thats Fine Lets Go Your Daddy Must Be Waiting"I Said As We Went On Heesung's Grave  I Clean It As I Put The Flower

"Hi Daddy We Miss You"Hee Joon Said

"Its Been A Year Heesung Ah Me And Your Son Really Miss You"I Said

"Daddy When Will You Comeback I Miss Your Ramyeon's Even Though Ramyeon's Mommy Is More Yummier"Hee Joon Said

"I Already Forgive You On What You Did I Know Its Just A Misunderstanding I Hope I Didn't Do That So You Are Still With Us"I Said A Tear Drop In My Eyes As I Wipe It

"I Know Its A Fate Thank You For Saving Our Son Even Though Your Life The One Who Will Be Sacrificing It Im So Thanful On It Your Truly A Dad Who Save His Son"I Said While Smiling On His Grave

??? Pov
I Saw Them Walking In My Fake Grave Its Been Awhile Y/n Ah And I Truly Miss Yoy And I Think Its Time I Dial Jake's Number As He Answer It

Jake:Yes Hyung
Me:Lets Do The Plan Tonight
Jake:Okay Then Gotta Inform The Others In This
~Hang Up~

Y/n Pov
My Phone Suddenly Buzzed As I Look On It

Fashion King Jun Oppa:
Y/n Ah Dad Wants All Of Us In xxxxxx Restaurant Tonight 7 Pm For A Family Dinner

Got It Oppa

~End Of Conversation~

I Look In My Watch Its Already 4 Pm

"Hee Joon Ah We Have To Go Now To Get Ready In A Family Dinner Say Good Bye To Daddy"I Said

"Bye Daddy We Will Comeback And Visit You"Hee Joon Said Bidding A Good Bye In His Father's Grave With That We Hop In The Car And Drove Away

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