54)Cause Its All His Fault

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Y/n Pov
I Went In The Kitchen Were I Saw Them

"Hee Joon Baby Lets Go Now"I Said As I Pass Him In Beomgyu Oppa As They Left First

"Hee Joon Wait"Heesung Said Chasing Him

"Heesung Stop"I Said

"Why Would I Stop Y/n He Is My Son I Also Want To Be With Him"Heesung Said

"Your Son?He Is Not Your Son He Is Just My Son"I Said

"He Is Also My Son Without Him You Cant Produce Him"Heesung Sajd

"So Is This About Fertilizing Now Even You Did It He Is Still Not Your Son Remember You Didn't Name Him As Yours"I Said

"Do You Know How Much He Look For You?But I Dont Want Him To Know It Cause I Know You Will Just Hurt Him As How You Hurt Me"I Saix As Tears Drop In My Eyes

"Y/n No Im Sorry"He Sajd Apologizing

"Just Save It We Dont Need You Hee Joon Doesn't Need A Dad Who Is Heartless And A Jerk Leave Him Alone For God Saken"I Said As I Left

Heesung Pov
They Just Left This Is All My Fault

"Hyung Are You Okay?"Jay Ask

"No Its All My Fault I Hurt Her"I Said While Tears Drop In My Eyes

"Thats Okay Just Take A Deep Breathe Everything Will Be Okay"Jake Said As They Comfort Me

Y/n Pov
We Arrive In The House

"Mommy Why Did You Do That"Hee Joon Said

"Cause I Want To Dont You Dare Go And Met Him"I Said

"But Mommy He Is My Daddy Wants Wrong"Hee Joon Said

"He Is Not Your Dad I Already Tolf You He Is Already Dead"I Saif

"Mommy Why Dif You Lie He Already Told Me Everything"Hee Joon Said

"No Dont Listen To Him He Is A Heartless And Jerk"I Sajd

"No He Is Not Why Are Always Against On Daddy Why Cant We Just Be A Family"Hee Joon Saif

"Cause Its All His Fault"I Said

"What?"Hee Joon Said

"He Didn't Name You As His Son After He Found Out Im Pregnant And Telling Your Father Is Just A Random Guy Telling I Cheat Even Not And The Worst He Is The One Who Cheat On Me He Cheat On Mommy"I Saif As I Kneel Down While Crying Since Flash Back Is Makinv Me Remember It When I Feel A Warm Hug It Was Hee Joon He Hug Me

"Mommy Im Sorry I Promise I Wont Be With Him I Hate Him"Hee Joon Saif

"Thats Fine Always Remember You Have Me You Have Us"I Said While Patting His Back

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