Chapter 28: Hard Times

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Alex's POV

I was pacing back and forth across the room as I waited for Langdon to pick up the phone. My legs stopped when I heard his voice on the other line.

"Langdon, forget about Jonathan. He's not dead and Uncle Rafael already took care of him. I need you to dig up about these people Clara Bell interacted with.."

As I said their names, Langdon was quietly listening on the other line.

"I have three excellent friends who can help me, Sir!" he responded and I ended the call.

I heard thundering footsteps approaching followed by voices. I instantly recognized one of them. It was uncle Rafael's voice. Lucas and I shot up to our feet when they entered the room. My eyes lingered to the man with brown hair, almost as tall as uncle Rafael. I've met him several times.

Tristan Marconi.

Uncle Tristan is close to Lucas' family and Clara's too. My family became acquainted too cause of he is Uncle Rafael and Uncle Gio. They were his friends and business partners.

"Hey, Lucas! How's going?" Uncle Tristan greeted Lucas and opened his arms for an embrace.

Lucas closed their gap and embraced him briefly as he responded, "not bad except today." He pulled out of his embrace and stepped back.

Uncle Tristan then turned to me. "Alex!" he acknowledged and shoot out his hand for a handshake.

I took it as I greeted him back. "Uncle," I half-smiled and pulled my hand back and dropped it to my side. He gave he a gentle tap on my right shoulder before he stood closer to Lucas.

I shifted my eyes to uncle Rafael. He looks like a raging thunder ready to cause devastation. My eyes lingered to the folders he was holding. He dropped them on the big mahogany table, his eyes never leaving the coloured folders that sprawled on the wide cinnamon table as he spoke.

"Where's Clara Bell?" he asked, tearing his eyes off the folders and met mine. His brows knitted together, hands flew to his hips.

"She's with my mom," Lucas answered, drawing uncle Rafael attentions to him.

He nodded. "Better if she's out of this. I don't want her worry about this," he sighed.

He turned around and faced the window, a short tensed silence followed. I heard Lucas offered uncle Tristan with a drink.

Uncle Rafael turned and asked. "Where's Gio?" His eyes directed at Lucas.

"He's with GP in the backyard, with the Police officers," Lucas responded briefly.

Uncle Rafael nodded his head. Then he looked down on the folders again. "These are the files Tristan had gathered..." he looked up and gave Uncle Tristan a brief look before turning it to me. "Look on these files," he motioned his hand on the pile of folders on the table. "I'll go and talk with the po-" his words was cut off by the ringing of his phone.

He took it out of his pocket and answered the call.

"Yes!" he started, turning to face the window. He watched through the window as he listened intently on the other line. As the seconds, minutes passes, his aura turning darker.

I walked closer to the table, uncle Rafael on the other side, the table in between us. Grabbing the red folder. I flipped it open and a few photos of Claire spilled. A few was the same ones I have and the rest was pictures of her and some models Claire and Clara had spent time with. I stared at the one photos where Clara Bell was animatedly talking to Claire. She was wearing a mustard yellow v-neck sleeveless silk top, her hair was tied on a bun. She looked so content conversing with Claire. Behind them was that photographer and Tabitha.

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