Chapter 32: Pre-Trial

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"Fight for the people and the things you love,

no matter what task or risk you may face,

it will be worth it! "

– Unknown


Alexander's POV

The slow pace of the car as it travelled through the Lazy Point Rd intensified my frustrations. I'm already infuriated at the thought of being separated with Clara Bell, but I had to. She needs to be there for the preliminary trial, though not necessarily, and I need to do something.

I pulled the phone away from my ears briefly as I leaned in a little, eyes on the rearview mirror trying to catch the temporary driver's eyes my secretary sent me while Langdon is out for a while.

He seemed pre-occupied while driving and it irked me even more. "Is there a reason you're driving at a snail's pace?" I barked at the driver, dropping back my back against the plush leather seat in the backseat, pulling my hand with the phone closer, back to my right ear.

I caught his eyes briefly before he shifted it back on the road. "I apologize, Mr. Demakis," he replied, his voice cracked a little. The car jerked softly as it speeds up and I focused back my attention on the other line.

"Langdon, you mentioned that Tamera Dominguez or Maria Corazon Santos is with Helena Ratskin?"

"Yes, Sir while the case is ongoing. She's also under the protection of the authority."

I felt my phone vibrated followed but a soft beep but I ignored it. It could be an email or a text, but that can wait. My whole attention was now glued on Langdon on the other line.

"It's a theft, not a murder. Yes, it is a grand felony, but still..." My teeth clamped trying to tamp down the growing anger rising in my chest. "They are sure too scared," I muttered, mostly to myself but Langdon heard it clear.

"I believe it's Mr. Valiente's past and it's catching up to him. Apparently, he made a lot of enemies during his prime," Langdon explained. "The lawyer representing Mrs. Ratskin is Angelo Bermudez's lawyer, a top dog lawyer in the States."

My back straightened as I absorbed all the information Langdon is feeding me. "Isn't he Aunt Enna's estranged brother?" I asked. My eyes darted together, brows in a deep frown as I recalled something about aunt Enna's estranged brother whom they stopped seeing for more than 25 years. I was just passing by to talk to Lucas and congratulate him as the new CEO of the Santorini's bank, during his Inauguration party. He was standing close to his mom when I briefly heard about him.

"Yes. He's the CEO of the Bermudez Chains of Casinos."

"Why would he let his lawyer represents her? It's not a corporate related case. And is he related to her?" I asked. Free hand on my thigh, with my index finger absentmindedly tapping my left thigh with the same rhythm.

"His lawyer is also a Defense lawyer. No, they are not related, but Angelo is one of the Ratskin's friends. And he is one of Mr. Valiente's enemy. The reason he was estranged to the family who raised him. He was imprisoned for abduction. He kidnapped Mr. Rafael Valiente's wife," Langdon explained further. My free hand unconsciously lifted up to my temples and massaged it. Suddenly, my head hurt. I never know about all these, not that I'm interested before.

The car jerked slowly to a stop. I dropped my hand and sat upright. I climbed out of the back when the car door opened up, the new driver holding the door. He tipped his head slightly down briefly and I just cocked my head to the side, signalling him to go.

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