A short letter from the author

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Hello, everyone! 

I hope everyone are all in a good spirit when you read this letter. 

First and for all, thank you for staying by for a long time. I apologize that I was gone for years. Real life screwed up. Covid hit and things was just out of control. Friends passed away, my son has to undergo speech therapy while trying to keep my job. And then I forgot my password, lol.

Anyhow, everything is back to normal. Son was out of speech therapy after 6 months, using zoom. It was hard and I don't think it helped him, but I was too eager for him to get all the help. Here in Canada, there is a very high expectation for a 2 years old. Not like where I was born and grew up with, Philippines. A two years old is still a baby. 

So after 6 months, my son finally talk, and in a day, there was a word explosion. All those talking I've done that I thought he never pick it up, I was wrong. He wasn't as articulated at his age now at 3.5 cause he wasn't really exposed with daycares or with other people. Main reason is the covid. My mother-in-law who is a Turkish, a very protective one was taking care of him. And their English isn't fluent. But he's very good at building (legos), puzzles (he can solve a 100 pieces puzzles at age 3) and I would say his motor skills is way off his age. I should have known at the very beginning that he concentrated first on his motor skill before his speech. At 3 months, he already can sit and 4 he rolls. And now, he can jump off from two meters high ladder and land on his feet without stumbling. He's a daredevil, my little monkey. 

 Sorry for that long message. 

So, I'm back for good. Though I noticed that it's harder for me to connect to the character I created, seems those emotions are hardly put into words... but I am trying. I have so many ideas, and that years of... lets just say vacation, I've collected lots of fresh ideas, plots and scenes in my head. Now, the struggle is to put them into words, cause I want you to feel like you were in that scene. You can picture it. Lets cross our fingers, but I'm so excited to write again!

By the way, after I finish this book, I would like to continue and try to finish Vito and Audi's story, 'The Assassin's Baby'. I'd like to finish that Assassin's Series first and be done with it. Then I'll start with Maddening Max. I know a lot has been waiting for it. Wink*

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for the unwavering support and for all the sweet and genuine messages! It's uplifting!

Before I leave you all, I'm doing book recommendation next, if you have friends who has books or anyone you know that needed a little help getting recognize, let me know. I'm more than happy to post it. This is the only simple way I could give back your kindness.

Have a good day, everyone! 

Hugs and kisses!

With a thankful heart,


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