Chapter 25: The Santorini's

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Clara Bell

I thought dad was annoying, but Auntie Enna outdid him. She's genuinely sweet, but her straightforward playing as a cupid is quite irritating. Really.

"It's good to see you," GP murmured then released me from his embrace. He peeked over my shoulder and grinned mischievously, oblivious of his mom's as big as the Pacific ocean's smile. "So you and Alex are already friends?" he leaned closer, so close almost touching my cheeks as he whispered the words, teasing. I didn't care about his words. I looked at Auntie Enna and she gave me a knowing smile and my face heated up upon realizing she overthinks what just happened. I didn't even want to think what malicious things probably playing in her head.

She didn't see the whisper that happened. She probably thought GP gave me a kiss, that's for sure. That smile that was plastered all over her face says it all.

Smile of victory.

"Hey man!" Alex's gruff voice from behind me drifted my attention away from Auntie Enna. He pulled GP in for a brief hug, rather squeez-y hug. His face were dark. He doesn't look happy hugging GP, so I thought he maybe wants to squeeze him to death.

Oh boy! Was he also thinking the same thing as Auntie Enna?

"That was pretty intense hug," Lucas commented as he stood next to me, causing my mind to drift away.

"Hi again, Clara Bell," he grinned.

I should have known this will happen. The Santorini's are a family of wickedness.

I sighed inwardly.

"Mother nature is really unpredictable, isn't it?" he commented and I gave him a hard look.

He's not really commenting about the weather, is he? I ignored his innuendo.

"You're acting weird," I cocked my eyebrow at him.

His shoulders lifted in a shrug. "Am I?" he asked good-naturedly which made me want to strangle him. "Maybe I am," his lips parted to a grin.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"It's nice seeing you, too!" I heard Alex said to GP, and I drifted my eyes away from Lucas and watch GP and Alex with my brows knitted together.

Alex patted GP's shoulder in not so gentle, too before pulling away.

"Come, Clara Bell," Auntie Enna's voice dragged my attention away from them. "Let's leave the men alone," she beamed at me as she hooked her hand under my inner elbow and then started heading inside.

I peered at Alex, he was staring at me with a grim face.

"I'll be with her," I mouthed then turned my head and let Auntie Enna dragged me away.

"I'm so happy you came today. GP probably heard you're coming," she giggled. Of course, I know she's trying to pair me with one of her boys, but none of them really interest me.

"I don't think he did, Auntie," I smiled at her.

"I see... but he's here," she grinned. That signature Santorini's grin. Teasing with a hint of wickedness.

"I'm so glad he came. You know, he rarely come visit us? I guess it's not a secret that he hates me for playing cupid. I just want to see him happy. He's too serious and I'm afraid he'll end up single all his life." She prattled on, then heaved out a deep sigh. "Oh, how I hate that genes getting wasted," she rambles dramatically. "Don't you find him attractive?" she suddenly asked and I stared at her, half frowning half smiling.

"Hmm," I swallowed and beamed at her with no malice. I know she's fishing some hints. "He's very handsome, Auntie. I'm sure there's a lot of women out there who wanted to mother his genes, but he hasn't found yet the right one," I beamed at her. "Love can't be rush, Auntie," I added.

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