Chapter 17: Face off

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Clara Bell's POV

"Anyone deserves a chance," I replied, my voice dropping into a murmur.

Nikolai clenched his jaw. "And that anyone is... him?" Nikolai bit out disapprovingly.

I looked away. "I see," Nikolai said in a resigned voice. "You are already smitten," he added.

I looked up and reluctantly met his eyes. "He's not bad," I said, a little guiltily.

Nikolai cocked his eyebrow. I gave him a scowl, and he just chuckled.

"He better not hurt you, Princess. Remember," his brows lifted up, his eyes filled with a warning "there was more than one Valiente he has to face and another grumpy old Markovich." Nikolai said, and I chuckled at his last words.

If grandpa finds out how Nikolai calls him, he'll be pissed off.

He suddenly pulled his phone out and then checked it. He then rose to his feet as he stashed his phone back in his pocket.

I stood up, following him. "I'd better go," he said.

Turning to face me, he pulled me into his embrace and tenderly gave the top of my head a brotherly kiss.

"I still don't like him," he said before pulling me away.

I huffed, and he just chuckled as he strode towards the guest room.

I plopped down on the couch and sighed.


Alex's POV

Dior's Launching Party...

The place was packed when we arrived. Several camera operators were busy taking photos of every guest which were mostly celebrities, high-profile people, and who's behind the company.

As much as I wanted to take her with me, she has to be with the model she partnered in the video ad. I had to stop by a bar to vent out my frustrations.

She was apologetic when she told me about it, she had forgotten it. She was too pre-occupied she didn't realize about the program.

Langdon pulled over the side of the driveway, a few meters away from the Papparazis then he slid out of the driver's seat and opened the door for me.

I climbed out of the car, then shrugged my shoulders fixing my coat, then buttoned it up.

Flashes of cameras directed at me as I gave Langdon a nod and he slowly rolled off.

With hands tucked in my pockets, I walked towards the building where the party was being held.

"Mr. Demakis, please over here," some of the paparazzi shouted.

I ignored them as I passed by them, but then stopped when Clara Bell's sultry face zoomed out and filled the whole screen of the led video board sitting on the other side of the driveway, a few meters away from the entrance of the building.

Her advertisement video played again and again.

The cries of the paparazzi, calling for my attention, begging for one shot passed my ears in a blur. The flashes in my direction didn't cease even after ignoring their pleas.

I peeled my eyes off of the video board and strode firmly towards the entrance.


It was Tabitha. She has a broad smile as I come closer and I groaned inwardly.

As much as I want to escape from her, I'm coming in the same direction where she and her friends were standing by, next to the entrance double-door.

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