First Love

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Jake's POV.....
October 2nd// 10pm

I was on the floor crying, as my dad was kicking me in the stomach. "YOU GOD DAMN FAG!" my dad yelled.

"Please stop" I whimpered. He kept on doing it for awhile until I blacked out.

•October 3rd 7am•

I woke up, apparently the next day, my head was pounding. I looked in the mirror and there was blood all over my face.

My stomach was aching in pain. I wanted to leave, but where would I even go.

I cleaned my face up, grabbed my bag and left for school.

I walked up and the sign read Perry middle school (I'm sorry if I got the name wrong).

I walked into school and headed to my locker. That's when Devon stopped me.

"Hey Jake". "H-hi Devon" I stuttered.
I then grabbed my prescription out of my pocket.

I ended up dropping the pills on the floor. Everyone started laughing at me.
"Looks like someone can't keep it together" Lexy said.

Devon leaned down and helped me pick up the pills. "Here you go" Devon handed me the pills.

"And Jake, don't listen to them, they don't know you like I do".I felt my face turn red. "T-thanks dev".

"Are you going to juniors party" Devon asked me. "Um maybe". "You should come, I'll be there"."Okay I'll go".

//Devon's POV//

I felt really bad for Jake, I mean the way lexy treats him is terrible. He hasn't even done anything to her.

He so sweet, and honestly he's really pretty. I want to tell him I like him but I don't know how to without embarrassing myself.

I'm glad he's coming to the party. Maybe that's when I'll tell him. But I guess we'll see.

We then went to biology. Later during class I see Lexy walk up to Jake. "Hey weirdo". "What do you want Lexy". Before Lexy could say anything

I stood up. "Lexy leave him alone". She rolled her eyes and sat back down.

//Jake's POV//

I looked back at Devon. He smiled. God I loved his smile so much. I knew then that I could tell Dev anything and he wouldn't judge me.

-Flashback to 4th grade-
"Jakey pinky promise we'll always stay together"

"Forever and ever Dev" there pinky's intertwined.

"And also never judge each other".

Never ever Jakey.

•Jake's POV•

It was later that night and I was getting ready to go to the party. Then my phone buzzed. It was a text from Dev.

Hey do you need a ride
Uhh sure if it's no problem
Of course not... Be there in 5
Okay see you soon

//Devon's POV//

We picked Jake up and I could tell he was nervous so I grabbed his hand to calm him down.

He looked over at me surprised. All I could do was blush.

We got to the party and we could tell a lot of people we're drunk. As we we're walking Oliver pushed Jake into a closet

And then me. I heard him yell, "7 MINUTES IN HELL". I saw Jake panicking. "Hey it's okay". I grabbed his hand and sat him down on the floor.

He then started crying. "Hey what's wrong". "Nothing just some things at home". "You can tell me".

Jake looked up at me with tears still falling from his face.

//Jake's POV//
I looked at Devon. "Well sometimes my dad gets mad and he..". I then lifted my up shirt which showed a huge bruise across my stomach.

-A few weeks earlier-
"Hey Jake"

"Hey Devon"

"What happened to your arm"

"Oh I ran into a fine really"

"Okay just know I'm here if anythings wrong"

//Devon's POV//
God I felt so guilty for not doing anything before. Jake then fell into my lap. I hugged him and whispered into his ear "I promise to never leave you".

Jake's POV, October 4th 11:45am•

I was sitting at the table in the cafeteria, writing in my diary. I'm just minding my business when lexy grabs my diary out of my hands.

"Well, well, well what do we have here" She says. "Lexy give that back". She then opened it. "Oh seems like Jake Wheeler has a crush".

"Lexy please". "Says here, I wish I could tell Devon how I really feel but we've been friends since 3rd grade-".

As she kept reading I felt my eyes start to water. Everyone was laughing at me, I felt completely humiliated, then I saw Devon walk into the cafeteria.

//Devon's POV//

I walk into the cafeteria when I see Lexy with a book in her hand, she was reading it, it said stuff about me.

I was confused until I see tears falling from Jake's eyes. It was his diary. He likes me? I mean I knew he was gay. Just how could someone like him like me?

I then saw Jake run out of the cafeteria. "Jake wait" I say as he's running out of the cafeteria.

"Lexy what the hell" I grab the diary from her hands. "What, you have a secret admirer".

I ran out and started looking for Jake. I assumed that he was in the bathroom. When I entered the bathroom I heard

Crying. "Jake it's me". "D-devon what are you doing here". I wiped the tears off his face.

//Jake's POV//
Devon was wiping the tears off my face, then he grabbed my hand leading me out of the bathroom.

"Where are we going Dev" I ask him. "You'll see".

Devon then brought my to this beautiful scenery. "This is beautiful" I tell him.

"Yeah I found it a few months ago" Devon said. "So about the diary I'm sor-". "Jake it's okay, I like you too".

My face immediately turned red. Devon then put his hands on my face.

He leaned in, and then it happened

We kissed.
I hope you like this first Short story💖

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