Christmas Eve 🎄🎆

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Jake's POV
It's Christmas Eve and Devon is coming over to spend the holidays with me and Junior since his mom is out of town.

I'm really excited to see him.

Devon's POV
I can't wait to see Jake. I hope Lexy comes over so me and Jake can have some alone time.

I just like spending time with him I mean he is my best friend, but I want it to be more.

Jake's POV
Me, Junior, and Lexy were sitting on the couch when we heard the doorbell ring. I got up and opened the door.

Devon was wearing a Rudolph Christmas sweater. It looked so cute on him.

"Hey Devon" I said. "Love your Christmas sweater" he said pointing to my snowman sweater. "Yours too".

He came inside and we sat down on the couch and watched A Christmas Carol.

Devon's POV
It was about half way through the movie and I started feeling sleepy.
I layed my head on Jake's shoulder.

"You tired Dev" Jake asked. I nodded.
"You guys enjoy the rest of the movie" Jake told Junior and Lexy.

We then headed upstairs.

Lexy's POV
"Junior bet you 100 bucks there dating" I said. "What, no way"he said. "Wanna bet".

Me and Junior shook hands. We then continued to watch the movie.

Jake's POV
Devon layed on the bed while I was setting myself up on the floor. " What are you doing Jake?" Devon asked.

"I'm setting up a bed on the floor" I said.
"You don't have to do that, you can sleep up here I don't mind".

"O-okay" I stuttered. I layed down next to Devon. "Merry Christmas Jake" he whispered. "Merry Christmas Dev".

Time Jump to Christmas morning
Devon's POV
I started waking up when I saw Jake standing at the foot of the bed. "Good Morning" he said holding a cup.

"Did you make me hot chocolate" Jake chuckled. "Yeah". I took the cup from his hands and took a sip of the hot Chocolate.

Some of the whiped cream got on my nose. Me and Jake started laughing.

"Hey I got you a gift" I told him. I got the bracelets out if my bag. I grabbed his wrist.

"It's a promise bracelet". "I love it thank you". I then tied the bracelet around Jake's wrist."Dev can I tell you something". "Sure".

Jake then grabbed something out of his pocket, it was a little mistletoe.

"I've wanted to tell you this for a lon-"
"Shh". I then leaned in and kissed him.

Jake's POV
OMG DEVON'S KISSING ME!! I can't believe it. All I could do was melt into the kiss.

Then the door swung open. Me and Devon stopped and saw Junior.

"Shit, now I owe Lex 100 bucks".
He then left. Me and Devon started laughing.

"Merry Christmas Dev". "Merry Christmas Jake". I then gave Dev a kiss and we went down stairs.

"Hey lovebirds" Lexy teased. Devon then grabbed my hand. This had been the best Christmas ever.
Happy holidays everyone, and thank you for all the love with this story 💛

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