First Date Pt. 2

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Sorry this took me so long to update, anyways enjoy 💖


Jake's POV
We were are ready and left to go to the fair. When we got there we saw Marcus and Jacob(pretend these were characters in the show) .

"Oh god" Devon said. "This is gonna be a shit show" Junior added. I grabbed Devons hand to calm him down.

He looked at me and smiled.

Devon's POV
God, these two assholes Marcus and Jacob. Litterly they could have came any other time, but I'm gonna try to brush it off.

Then Jake grabbed my hand and I felt.
my heart beating so fast. Then I was snapped out of my thoughts by you guessed who.

Marcus and Jacob.

"What are you Fags doing here"Marcus said. Junior stood in front of us. "None of your fucking business".

"Oh well, isn't it Junior Wheeler everyone" Jacob said. "Just leave us alone we are just trying to have fun" I said standing behind Junior.

Jacob pushed Junior on the ground and walked up to Devon. Jake stepped back.

"Aw your boyfriends scared, scared he's gonna get hit" Marcus said.

Jake's eyes started to water. Probably remembering that his dad would hit him. "Don't even think about it" I said in a stern voice.

"F-fuck off Marcus" Jake stuttered. "Whatever, fucking Fags". Jacob and Marcus then left us alone.

We ran over to Junior. "Shit are you okay" I asked. "Yeah, I'm okay".

Jake's POV
I helped Junior up and hugged him. "What's this for Jake" he asked. "For standing up for us". Junior smiled.

Juniors POV
I then saw Oliver and I felt myself start to blush. " I'm gonna go hang out with Oliver, you guys have fun" I say running over to Oliver.

Jake's POV
Me and Devon chuckled. "Hey let's go on the Ferris Wheel" Devon suggests.
"Oh i-i don't know" I said. I haven't told

Dev that Im scared of heights. "C'mon it'll be fun I promise" he said with puppy dog eyes. "Okay fine".

Devon's POV
We get up to the top of the Ferris wheel and I see Jake with his head in his knees. "Hey come here" I tell him.

He then buried his head into my shoulder. "Hey it's okay, your safe don't worry". Jake looked terrified, so I lifted up his chin a kissed him.

The kiss felt like it lasted forever. He then grabbed my waist. We broke from the kiss. "I love you Dev". "I love you too".
The end.

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