The Outing PT. 2

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"Oh shut up Oliver" Lexy walked away.
All of sudden it hit him, Oliver started to hyperventilate. He felt like he couldn't breathe.

"Oliver are you okay" Devon asked. Oliver felt dizzy. "Let's take him upstairs" Jake said.

They took Oliver up to his room to try and calm him down.

"Okay tell us what's wrong" Jake urged. Oliver shook his head. "You need to tell us"Devon said.

Oliver tried to take deep breath but failed. His soft sobs turned into crying.

"Oliver I've been through this just tell me what's wrong" Jake said.

"The person I love the most is on the hospital, that's what's wrong" Oliver quietly yelled.

Oliver realized what he had said and froze. Devon and Jake looked at each other shocked.

"Your gay" Devon questioned. "I-i I don't know theres just something about Junior".

"Like what" Jake asked. "I mean he's sweet and his hair is just perfect-". "He does have nice hair".

Jake playful punched Devon. "What, it's true". "My hairs better" Jake mumbled.

"Do you guys think we go to the hospital" Oliver asked.

"Of Course, I'll call my mom" Devon said.

They waited infront of the house for Devon's mom to arrive.

As soon as she did they went straight to the hospital.

As soon as they got to the hospital Oliver went straight to the front desk.

"Hi, is there a Junior Wheeler here"Oliver asked.

"Yes there is, but we have to keep him overnight, due to how much blood he lost" the nurse said.

Oliver felt like his heart had stopped.
Jake hugged Oliver. Then Devon joined them.

-A Few Hours Later-
Everyone was passed out, except Oliver. He couldn't sleep he just wanted to know if Junior was okay.

That's when he got a text.

Junior: Hey Oliver, I just wanted you to know I'm okay and I'm sorry.

Oliver: Sorry for what?

Junior: For everything, I feel like I'm always messing everything up

Oliver: Junior don't say that, your one of the best people I know

"Oliver what are you doing, it's the middle of the night" Jake yawned.


Oliver: Shit, I got to go, I woke Jake up 😅
Junior: Alright, goodnight

Jake was already passed out, hugging Devon. Oliver then fell asleep.

-In the morning-
Oliver was woken up by Jake and Devon. "Oliver wake up" Devon said.

"W-whats going on" Oliver questioned.
"Junior woke up" Jake said.

Oliver quickly got up and ran to Juniors room.

"Junior". "Let's give them a minute" Devon put his hand on Jake's shoulder.

"How are you feeling" Oliver asked.
Junior looked down. Oliver pulled

Junior into a hug. "I love you" Oliver whispered. Oliver layed his hands on Junior's face.

"R-really" Junior stuttered. "Of course I do, how couldn't I ". Tears were building up in Junior's eyes.

Oliver pulled him back into a hug. "It's
Okay, your safe now".

-Back At The House-

"Shit". "What's wrong Junior" Oliver questioned. "I'm supposed to host the party tonight".

"We'll take care of it, you need to rest" Jake said.

"Thanks Jake" Junior said.

Oliver helped Junior up to his room. Junior layed down on his bed.

"Do you need anything else".
"I don't think so" Junior replied.

Oliver left. "Wait Oliver". "Yeah". "Can you stay with me, I really don't wanna be alone".

Oliver sat down next to Junior. "Of course".

As Junior was drifting off Oliver hummed a soft tune.

Oliver decided to lay down. Junior layed his head on Oliver.

Oliver then played with Juniors hair until he passed out.

Sorry for the long update, and yes there will be a part 3 😎

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