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It was the middle of the afternoon and Oliver was laying on his bed staring at

the ceiling in boredom. He then got a text from Junior.


Junior: Oliver get over here now, it's an emergency!!!!

Oliver: What happened!?!?!

Junior: Just get over here!!

Oliver jumped up from his bed and ran out of his house.

He ran all the way to Junior's house without stopping. He rang the doorbell.

"Oh hey Oliver" Bree said. "Hey im here to see Junior". "Of course, come in".

Oliver was confused everything seemed normal. Oliver then went upstairs into

Junior's room. "Hey Junior, what's wrong". "Nothing, I just need to tell you

something". Oliver could tell Junior had been crying. "Okay what's up"?

"I'm g-gay" Junior stuttered. "Oh". Junior sobbed into Oliver's shoulder.

"And I don't know how to tell Lex, she'll probably make fun of me".

"Hey it's okay" Oliver rubbed Junior's back trying to calm him down.

Junior wiped his eyes. Him and Oliver locked eyes. Junior then kissed

Oliver. Oliver was shocked. Junior got up"Shit I'm sorry I shoul-". Oliver

Grabbed Junior's wrist and stood up. "Come here". Junior walked over.

Oliver started to rub Junior's sides. Junior looked at Oliver in surprise. "It's

okay". Oliver started kissing Junior. He started walking back slamming

Junior against the wall. Junior then hugged Oliver. "What's this for"Oliver

asked. "Just because". Oliver chuckled and kissed Junior on the head.

"Could you help me with the Lexy situation" Junior asked.

"Of course". Junior layed down on his bed with Oliver beside him.

They looked at each other. Junior then grabbed Oliver's hand and kissed him.

"OH MY GOD"!!! Jake said. "Shit Jake I thought you were at Devon's".

"We decided to come here". "What's happening" Devon asked. "Oliver and

Junior were maki-". Junior quickly got up and covered Jake's mouth. "Shut up".

"Does Lexy know" Devon questioned.
Junior nodded his head. "Don't worry

He'll be done with her tomorrow" Oliver chuckled.

They all started laughing.

•Time Skip to The Next Day At School•

My Love❤

Oliver: Are you ready for this

Junior: Ready as I'll ever be

They then walked into the school. "Follow my lead okay"Oliver said.

Junior and Oliver walked up to Lexy.
"Hey babe" Lexy said. "He-" Junior was

Then cut off by a sweet kiss from Oliver. "What the hell!! " Lexy said in

An angry tone. "He's done with your bullshit Lexy". "What a waste" She said

Storming off. "Thanks Oliver" Junior

Blushed. "Of course" Oliver said holding Junior's hand.
I am so sorry for not updating this, I've been busy, don't worry more us coming I swear, love y'all 💚

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