Joliver 💙

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Sorry I couldn't think of a name to give this story.... Anyways enjoy!!

BTW They are 16/17 here

Today Oliver asked Junior if he wanted to hang out. He said why not since he didn't have Cross Country practice.

It was about 2:00 and Junior headed over to Olivers house. He walked up to his house. He then knocked on the door.

Oliver then heard a knocking at the door and jumped up in excitement. He opened the door and saw Junior.

"Hey Junior". "Hey". "He was so cute- omg what am i saying" Oliver thought to himself. "I'm not gay, but there was something about Junior

That was special". He just shook those thoughts out of his head and lead Junior to the theater room.

"Holy shit, it's huge" Junior's face lit up.
"What do you wanna watch" Oliver asked.

"Oh, um... How about Westworld".
The boys sat down and put on Westworld.

Half-way through Oliver looked over at Junior. "He has the sweetest smile, and his hair is just so perfect".

"Junior come here". "W-why?" Oliver then got up. He picked Junior up out of his seat. "Oliver put me down".

Oliver sat down with Junior laying on him. He then started tickling Junior.

"Don't even start Oliver". "What this". Oliver continued tickling Junior.

All Junior could do was laugh. He then fell out of Oliver's lap onto the floor.

"Oh shit, are you okay". Junior got up and crossed his arms facing away from Oliver.

"I'm really sorry". Junior then tackled Oliver to the ground, him ending up on top of him. They where both out of breath.

Oliver then pulled Junior into a kiss.
Junior was a little shocked but continued kissing Oliver.

"So your gay?" Oliver asked. Junior blushed. "Only for you" he then kissed Oliver again. He then moved down Oliver's neck.

Oliver let out soft moans as he was holding the back of Junior's head.

"Oliver will you be my boyfriend". Oliver's face turned red. "Of Course"

Junior then pulled Oliver into a tight hug. They then cuddled up and watched Westworld.

I hope you guys enjoyed this... It was my first joliver story so sorry if it's not the best 😅

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