The Outing PT. 3

525 14 4

TW: Homophobic slurs
At the Party
Junior started waking up. He heard loud music coming from down stairs.

"Oliver wake up" he gentle shook Oliver awake.

Oliver woke up. "Are you okay". "Yeah I'm fine,

I just wanted to maybe go down to the party for a little bit".

"Okay fine but only for a little bit". Junior jumped up in excitement.

Oliver grabbed Junior's hand. "I need to tell you something". "Okay, what's up".

"I know we've known each other for a long time, but I can't help it".

"Can't help what" Junior questioned.

"This" Oliver layed his hands on Junior's face. He then kissed him.

Junior was shocked, but he liked it he didn't want it to stop.

"Well that just happened" Junior teased.
Oliver chuckled. (By the way there still by the bed).

"Goddamn Fags" Lexy said while taking a picture.

She laughed and went back downstairs.

The boys then headed downstairs. "Hey, decided to join in on the fun" Devon said.

"Yes Junior insisted" Oliver teased.
"Like you weren't having fun in Jun-Juns room" Lexy said.

"Stop calling me that Lexy" Junior said.
"Leave him alone Lexy, you've caused enough".

Then a huge projector came down from the ceiling.

"Do you two want to explain this".
Then the photo showed Oliver and Junior kissing.

Oliver looked at Junior seeing tears filling up in his eyes.

Everyone gasped and some said homophobic slurs.


"Yeah exactly, a bunch of Fags" Lexy said.

Junior grabbed Oliver's hand. "OLIVER HAYDEN IS MY BOYFRIEND".

Oliver and Junior heard cheers mostly, especially from Jake and Devon.

Oliver spun Junior around and then caught him(Imagine the scene at Lexy's party) He then leaned down and kissed him.
The end
I hope you guys liked this kinda short story, and Tysm for over 2k reads!!! 💚

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