The Outing

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TW: Slef-harm, suicide attempt

Today Junior heard that there was gonna be a party at Oliver's house.

He didn't know if he'd go because Lexy his ex girlfriend was gonna be there.

Junior broke up with her because not only is she a total ungrateful bitch but

He had been questioning his sexuality.
Junior thought he may have had a

Crush on this boy, Oliver Hayden.
he couldn't figure it out but there was

Just something about him that made him get butterflies in his stomach

Everytime he saw him. Junior then a got a text from Oliver on his phone.

Oliver Hayden
Oliver: Hey Junior

Junior: Hey, what's up?

Oliver: Well I was wondering if you were coming to my party tonight

Junior: I'm not sure

Oliver: You should come, I need someone cool at the party, like my best friend

He didn't know what to say, Junior's heart was beating so fast.

Junior: Okay fine I'll go
Oliver: Great! It starts at 7:00, see you then

He started to blush, "god I'm falling in love with Oliver Hayden."

It was 7:00 and Junior was getting ready to go to the party.

Jake and Devon were also going so Junior felt a bit better.

Him and Jake have finally gotten along after he told Junior about what his dad

Had done to him. Junior felt terrible and always stook up for Jake ever since.

-At the party-
Junior was sitting down on the stairs looking over at Lexy and Oliver dancing.

He wanted to be the one to dance with Oliver. Why did Lexy have to get that pleasure.

Oliver soon walked over to Junior. "Hey I haven't seen you all night".

"Why her" Junior asked. Oliver looked over at Lexy.

"Hey I promise there is nothing going on with us, I think she thinks so but I

Don't". Oliver looked into Junior's eyes.
Oliver then layed his hand on top of

Junior's. Junior looked at Oliver shocked.

Later Lexy walked over to Junior. "Hey Junior". "What do you want Lexy".

"I just wanted to hang out with you". Lexy tried to grab Junior's hands.

He took his hands out if hers annoyed.
"What's your problem asshole".

"You, We are not together so stop trying so hard".

"Oh, well at least my moms still alive you worthless piece of shit". Junior was on the verge of crying.

Lexy walked away. Oliver saw all of this. Junior ran to the bathroom out of embarrassment.

Junior pulled out a blade. "See the people walking down the street
Fall in line just watching all their feet"

Junior sung as he drew the blade into his wrist. Then minutes later the door swung open.

"Shit Devon grab the medical tape" Oliver shouted. Juniors  vision was going blurry.

"Junior stay with me okay". "I want my mom" Junior whispered.

Devon handed Oliver the medical tape. He began to wrap the tape around Junior's wrist.

Junior couldn't see who it was talking to him. He then was dosing on and off.

They ended up calling 911.

The ambulance came and took Junior to the hospital. Oliver tried holding in his tears.

"Hey he'll be okay" Jake said. "Jake's right, I mean it's Junior" Devon said.

"Just what would make him want to do this".

Oliver then walked over to Lexy. "What the hell Lexy". "What".

"This is your fault, he wouldn't of done this if you didn't fucking yell at him".

"You mean tell him the truth". "Fuck you". "It's true he's worthless".

"Is it because he won't date you". Lexy went silent.

To be continued.....
I'm sorry for the cliffhanger
Again thank you for all the support ❤❤

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