School Dance (Jevon)

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Friday after school

Tomorrow night was the 8th grade school dance and Jake was gonna ask Devon to be his

Date. Jake didn't know how he would ask him, so he went to Junior for advice.

Jake walked into his room to see Junior laying on his bed. "Oh hey Jake". "Hey

Can I ask you something". "Yeah what's up" Junior questioned.

Jake then sat down next to Junior"How would I ask someone on a date to the

Dance". "Who is it". "I'm not telling
You". "C'mon just tell me" Junior teased.

"No". "Fine don't tell me, I'll find out sooner or later, but we need to come up with a plan"."It's not a guarantee, and

What if your plan doesn't work".
"Oh don't worry, it'll work".

"I don't even know if he likes me"."Well how does he act around you".

"Oh, well he's always really nice and
a really good listener".

Junior put his hand on Jake's shoulder.
"Cuz, he likes you".

"What, you really think so"."You should meet up with him".

"Oh i-i don't know". "C'mon cuz you'll never find out if he feels the same if

You don't ask". "Shit your right, fine but where would i even meet him up at".

"At the park obviously". Jake stood up and paced the room.

"Okay, how do I even Start this off". "Give me the phone".

"No". Junior stood up and took the phone out of Jake's hand.

He looked at the screen and saw the contact. "It's Devon". Jake nodded in

Embarrassment. "It's okay"."R-really".
"Yeah, of course it is, and luckily for you

He's my best friend". Jake smiled and sat back down next to Junior.

Jake: Hey Devon, do you possibly have time to hang out today?

Devon: Yeah i do, where'd you wanna hang out?

Jake: The park near Junior's

Devon: Coolio, be there in 10

Jake: Okay great! See you then

Jake hugged Junior."Thank you" He said. Junior hugged him back.

"You better get going". "Right, see you later".

Jake got to the park and searched for Devon. He saw him sitting at the bench

So he walked over. "H-hey Dev". "Hey Jake" Devon smiled. Jake then sat down

Next to Devon. "Jake can I ask you something". "Yeah what's up".

"Well there's someone I like and since the dance is tomorrow I wanted to ask

Them, so I guess my question how would you want to be asked out".

"Definitely a kiss"Jake said joking."You sure". Jake nodded.

Devon smashed his lips into Jake's."Shit, i'm sorry". Devon started to walk away

Then Jake grabbed his wrist. "It's okay". Jake kissed Devon.

Jake then wrapped his arms around Devon's waist. "Jake will you be my date

To the dance"."I thought you'd never ask"Jake blushed.

The Night Of The Dance

"Jake" Junior shouted. "Yeah I'm coming". Jake walked down the stairs

And then saw Devon. "Devon, you look amazing"."Thank you". Devon grabbed

Jake's hand and walked out of the house.

At the Dance

As they walked into the dance Devon saw some of his "friends"giving him

Disgusted looks. "Hey it's okay"Jake said.Devon smiled.Then slow music started playing.

"Care to dance" Devon asked. Jake nodded. They headed to the floor. Jake

Wrapped his arms around Devon, while Devon put his arms around

Jake's neck. They looked into each others eyes. Devon leaned in. "Can I".

Jake nodded. Devon kissed him. Jake then layed his head on Devon's

Shoulder. "I love you Devon". "I love you too Jake".
This needs to happen in Season 2, Anyways I hope you guys liked this part and if you have any suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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