Fisrt Date PT. 1💫

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//Jake's POV//
Me and Junior were watching TV when we heard the doorbell ring. "I'm not getting it" Junior said.

I got up and opened the door and I saw Devon. "Hey De-". He Imedietly hugged me. Then I heard him crying.

"Hey what's wrong baby". "Can we go upstairs and talk". "Yeah of course".

//Devon's POV//
When we got up to Jake's room I sat down on his bed. He sat next to me and grabbed my hand.

"Tell me what's going on". "Me and my mom got in a fight". "What about".
"She thinks your a bad influence on me".

"You haven't told her about us". I looked down at the ground. "Hey it's okay, come on lay down".

I layed down next to Jake while he was wiping the tears off my face. "What do you want to watch".

"I don't know, how about Criminal Minds". Jake gave me a kiss and put the show on.

About half way in we both fell asleep.

//1 hour later//

•General POV•
Junior went upstairs and went to Jake's room. "Okay lovebirds time to get up".

"No" Jake whines. "Give us 10 more minutes". "No get up"Junior urged.

"You feeling any better" Jake asks.
Devon looked down.

"I know something that will make you feel better". "What". "We can go to the county Fair, we can make it a date".

"R-really". "Of course, anything to make you feel better".

//Jake's POV//
Me and Devon were getting ready to go to the fair. "Jake do you have a hoodie I could barrow".

"Yeah, let me get it". I got the sweater for Devon and I looked in my closet for something to wear.

I ended up just throwing something random on.

"Are you guys almost ready" Junior asked. "Yes we'll be down there in a minute". "How do I look" Devon asked.

"Perfect" I smiled.
I hope you guys like the first part 💜

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