The End

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Mention of self harm, suicide

Devon's POV
When I got to school today I saw my boyfriend Jake. He looked super tired and drained of energy. I walked over to him to make sure he was okay.

"Hey babe you okay" I ask him.
"Yeah don't worry about me". I look at him concerned and give him a kiss. I hope he's okay.

Jake's POV
I told Devon I was fine but I'm not. I feel like giving up completely. I tired of the bullying, tired of the abuse. When we got to class I could here kids like Oliver whispering about me.

As tears started forming in my eyes I asked Ms.Fairchild If could use the restroom. She let me go.

I got to the restroom and started thinking, wouldn't be better if I wasn't here anymore. I get the razor out of my pocket. I then start to think about Devon.

I love him so much I have to say goodbye. I pull out my phone to text him.

Dev, If your reading this it means I'm gone. I want you to know this isn't your fault and I'll love you forever, please forgive me
-Love Jake.

I then slid down the wall and started cutting myself. I saw blood pouring out of my arm. Finally I'm free.

Devon's POV
I was getting worried Jake has been in the bathroom for 10 minutes now. The bell rang I ran out of the classroom.

Then I was stopped by Lexy. "Devon are you okay? " she asked. "I need to find Jake". We both went to the bathroom.

I walked in and immediately collapsed.
"JAKE" I cried. Lexy eyes widened. "LEXY CALL 911". A bunch if kids ran in to see what's going on. Everyone see's Jake with blood pouring out if his arm.

Ms. Fairchild held me back as they took Jake to the hospital.

Lexy's POV
I was comforting Devon when Junior walked over.

"What's wrong with you two" Junior asked.

Lexy grabbed Juniors hands. "Jake tried to commit". Juniors heart dropped. " I-is he okay" Junior asked while crying.

"We don't know" Devon said.

General POV
As soon as school was let out Lexy, Devon, and Junior rode there bikes to the hospital.

Devon ran in and went up to the front counter. "Hi, I'm looking for a Jake Wheeler". That's when the doctor came out and had a look on his face.

"I'm sorry to tell you this... But he passed". Devon collapsed he couldn't believe his boyfriend was gone.

"It's okay he's in a better place" Lexy told him. Junior was in disbelief. Lexy hugged Devon and Junior. Devon then got a text, it was from Jake. He read it.

Time jump to the funeral

Devon's POV
It was the day of Jakes funeral. It was time for people to speak. So, I decided to speak. "Hi I'm Devon, I was Jakes boyfriend. I remember the first day we met, it was in 4th grade. I saw him sitting alone on the swing set. I decided to go over to him. We started talking and soon we were best friends but then I started to fall in love with him .I am so glad to have met Jake. I just wish that I could've said goodbye".
The end
I am so sorry for this I promise the next one will be happy.


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