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TW: Self harm

It's been three weeks since Junior died. Jake hasn't came out of his room since. Devon hated seeing Jake

In this kind of state. Devon went into his room and saw him in the corner of the room.

"Jake". Devon saw him holding a razor blade. He quickly ran over to him and took the blade out of his hand.

Jake started sobbing into Devon's shoulder. "I'm sorry" he said repetitively. "It's okay, your okay".

Devon helped Jake up onto the bed. He grabbed him his favorite sweatshirt and handed it to him.

"T-thanks Dev". Devon smiled. Jake layed down on Devon chest. "Junior wouldn't want you to hurt yourself" Devon whispered.

"I just want the pain to stop" Jake cried.
"This isn't the way to get rid of pain".

Jake sat up and put his head on Devon's shoulder. "This is all my fault, Junior would still be here if it wasn't for me".

"That's not true". Devon wiped the tears off of Jake's face. "All we can do is remember him".

"You know we always went to this treehouse that uncle Logan built after school. We would play video games most of the time.

When we stayed late we would always look up at the stars and connect them making all kinds of things like clouds, hearts, animals, even our names. We also made stories that made absolutely no sense" Jake chuckled.

"That was before it happened". Devon looked at Jake, concerned. "What happened" He asked.

"My dad hurt me" Jake said on the verge of tears. Devon hugged Jake tight like he would never let him go.

"Junior was the only one who knew" Jake said. "I wish he was still here with us" Devon said.

Jake yawned and layed down on the bed. Devon layed next to him. "Jake".

"Yeah Dev". "I-i love you". "I love you too".

The next day Jake and Devon went to Junior's tombstone. They left flowers and the stories that Jake and him made.
The end.....
Tysm for over 1k read it means alot....
Also I need suggestions cause I'm running out if Ideas 😅

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