Chapter 7: Speak of the devil

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"You're going to Jin's party this weekend too?" A voice asked from behind.

I didn't even bother to check to see who it was since I already knew.
"What do you want, Jaemin?" I said coldly.
"You, of course" he said.
"Well, good luck with that" I said sarcastically.

"I know you still love me, Yoomin" he disgustingly smirked.
"Jokes on you, I'm already taken to love you again" I lied.
"What?" Jimin looked at me suspiciously.
"Yes, you'll soon meet him at the party" I lied again.

"Ok, we'll see" Jaemin angrily said and left. What's his problem?
I sighed "Well, I guess I have to find a fake boyfriend, guys"
"Woah wait, you weren't joking?" Jimin said.
"Yes, I have to find one so as to stop this maniac's stupidity" I sternly said.

"Well, any ideas" I asked.
"I don't know" shrugged Tae "maybe choose one from class?"
"I don't think any of them like me" I said.
"Why?" Yoongi asked.
"Well..." I hesitated.


1st boy.
"Hey, Yoomin" one boy said "Wanna go on a date with me this Saturday?"
"Can't, busy" I said while playing League of Legends on my phone.
"Maybe another- "Dieeeeeeeeee" I shouted "Level uuuuuuuppp"
"Wait, what did you say?" I asked.
"Nothing, I was just leaving, bye" he nervously said and left "What was his problem?" I continued playing.

2nd boy.
"Hello, Yoomin, wanna hang out?" he said.
*sneezes* "sorry" *sneezes* "can't" *sneezes* "busy" I said.
"We'll, ok" he said suspiciously "get well soon, bye" he left.
"Whatever" I then went back on my phone.

3rd boy.
"Wanna hang- "Can't, busy, get lost" I said while staring on my screen.
"Fine, bye" he left angrily. I looked up and saw him leave. "Maybe I was a little harsh" I thought to myself "Naahhh"
I then turned back to my screen.

This had been going on ever since Jaemin and I broke up but I always rejected them. I always remembered my promise that I made "I'm never falling in love again". Yup never, that's why I'm cold towards everyone.

~end of flashback~

"That's pretty much it" I concluded my story.
"Wow, so you're never falling for anyone again?" Yoongi asked and I just nodded.
"She's a savage" Jimin said.
"Yup" Tae nodded.

"Hey, but you know you can't control your heart, right?" Yoongi said.
"Is this a challenge?" I raised one eyebrow.
"No, just saying, you say that but you can fall for someone without knowing it" he shrugged.
"Whatever, plus I have no interest in anyone" I bluntly said "all I need is a fake boyfriend to stop Jaemin from clinging onto me, it's really annoying"

"Well, what if I do it?" said Yoongi.

Yoongi's P.O.V
She said that she's never falling in love, huh. I accept this challenge.
"Well, what if I do it?" I said.
"Really? You wanna be my 'fake' boyfriend?" she quoted.
"Yes, just to keep this Jaemin away" I said and she nodded in agreement "Okay then, only thing left to do is to look and act like a couple"

"How will you do that?" Tae asked.
"Don't worry, I always have a plan" she smirked.
"Yoongi. Me. You. My house. After school. Okay?" she gestured hands.
"Oh ok" I nodded.
"Don't forget, the party is this Saturday, guys" Jimin reminded us and we all nodded and left for class.

~time skip~(in my house)

Yoomin's P.O.V
"Woah, your house is big" Yoongi gasped.
"I know, follow me" I motioned him.
"This is your room, it's literally the size of a whole living room" he continued.
"Can't you be less excited about my stuff?" I asked looking at him.

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