Chapter 19: Master Gamer

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"All gamers, would you please report to our club room for a group meeting now"

"Well, that's our cue, let's go" I motioned my hand and we all went.

In the club room

"Game on!"
"So, I'm sure you're all aware that the competitions are soon, 2 weeks to be precise" the gaming coach said.
"I hope you've all been practicing and that includes the noobs" he continued "The last 2 years weren't our years since we lost because of someone here" he looked at me.
"What? I was going through hardships that time" I defended myself.

"Even though you go through hardships, that doesn't mean that you have to lose, right? Take those hardships and use them when playing games, put your anger and pain while playing if possible or you can just remain calm, okay gamers?" he advised and we all nodded.
"What was that? I can't hear you" he put his hand against his ear.

"Yesss!" we all shouted.
"Good, just remember, be yourself and you'll achieve your dreams, okay?" he emphasised and all shouted "Yes!"
"Game over" he dismissed the meeting.
I'll have to focus now.

"Hey, Yoomin, wanna hang out at the playground after school?" Yoongi asked and I agreed "Sure, why not?"

After school

At the playground

I went to the playground where Yoongi wanted to meet me. I wonder why he asked me out of the blue though.
My thoughts were interrupted by Yoongi "Yoomin-ah" he smiled causing me to smile back.
We then sat on the swings slowly pushing back and forth.
I then looked at Yoongi "So, what's up?"

He looked at me "Well, I just wanted to hang out" and faced front.
What's up with him? He's acting weirdly.
"Is there anything you want to share with me?" I curiously asked.
He then looked at me "Well" he pulled my swing closer to his "A kiss, maybe" he smirked.

"Is that why you wanted to hang out, just to kiss me?" I scoffed.
"What? Can't I get one at least?" he pouted and so I gave him a peck on his cheek.
"Is that all?" he pouted again and I sighed "I don't know what it..." I was then cut off with his sudden attack kiss for a moment and later pulled back. I was a blushing mess.

"귀여운(gwi-yeo-un) / Cute" he smiled and let go of my swing and slowly rocked his swing back and forth.
I just looked down smiling. This pabo just knows how to make a girl's heart flutter.
We then stayed there for an hour before leaving to go back home.
Yoongi is really mysterious.

The next day

"Okay, game nerds, today is the day we start training, okay?" Jimin said while pacing left and right.
"You're the real nerd here, Jimin" Taehyung smiled.
"Ah Yah!" Jimin got pissed at Tae's comment.
"Calm down, Jimin, you know he's just joking" I reassured him.

"Okay, okay, back in business, we have to train for the next 2 weeks, okay? Let's go gamers" he cheered giddily.
"Yup yup, we'll win this time for sure" Taehyung said.
The door then opened "Hey, don't leave us out, we'll support you guys" Namjoon said.
"Namjoon? You guys will support us too?" I was astonished by his sudden enthusiasm.

"Yup" Hoseok smiled.
"Where will the competitions take place?" Jungkook asked.
"Gamers' Arcade" I said.
"I hope they will have snacks then" Jin said and we all laughed.

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