Chapter 9: Confession

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I was walking down the hallway of school as always and that's when I saw Yoongi talking to Jimin and Taehyung.
He saw me and started walking to my direction.
I then remembered what he did to me at the party and immediately ran away.
I don't know why I ran but I didn't want to face him now.

I don't want to hurt him.
What if he takes that kiss seriously? He knows I'm not serious about relationships now. I only thought of him as a friend.
What am I thinking? It was just a game anyway. I shouldn't be afraid. I should just be confident.
I then hid in the room that every student thinks there's a ghost in.
It looked normal to me.

"Who goes there?" A female voice spoke clearly.

Yoongi's P.O.V
I was talking to Jimin and Taehyung and that's when I noticed Yoomin standing ahead of me, so I started to walk over to her but she immediately ran away. Why did she ran away?
I then remembered what happened at the party. Ahhh, that, is that why she's nervous now? Wow, cute.
I followed her carefully and saw enter the room she said there's a ghost in. Was she lying?

Yoomin's P.O.V
"Who goes there?" The voice repeated but I kept quiet.
I then felt something behind me and froze instantly.
"Hey" a familiar voice said.
I turned around and I sighed in relief that it was Yoongi.

"Yoongi, you almost scared me" I punched him slightly on his chest.
"Wow, Yoomin, a scaredy-cat" he chuckled.
"Yah, I'm not" I defended myself.
"Well, either way, you're still a cute pabo" he ruffled my hair smiling and I just couldn't help but to smile back "Whatever" I muttered.

"What did you say?" he asked putting his hand against his ear.
"Whatever" I said.
"Sorry, I don't speak scaredy-cat" he joked.
"Yah, I'll punch you for real this time" I warned him.

"Oh, really" he started to walk towards me slowly as I took steps back until my back touched the wall.
He then put both of his hands on the wall so as to block me from running away again.
"Yah, what are you doing?" I nervously asked.
"Nothing" he bluntly said looking directly into my eyes.

"How is this nothing?" my heart started beating at a faster speed.
"Well..." he then leaned in and pecked me on my cheek. What is this feeling? My insides are bouncing up and down.
"What was that?" I asked already knowing.
"A peck, pabo" he backed off and ruffled my hair again.
My heart wasn't functioning normally. I tried to cool down since a blush appeared on my cheeks again.

"What are you doing to me, Yoongi?" I clutched my chest.
He then leaned forward and whispered in my ear "Nothing" that sent shivers to my spine.
"Yah, I already warned you that I'm not falling for anyone again, didn't I?" I pointed my index finger at him.
"Oh yeah, we'll see" he smirked and then left. What is his problem?

After school

As I was on my way home, I saw a young boy playing with his football and he accidentally kicked it too hard that it went rolling towards the busy road.
He cried "My ball, my ball"
I then decided to help him get his ball "Don't worry, I'll get you your ball, okay" I reassured him.

I walked to where the ball was and picked it up showing him that I got it.
The minute I started walking back, I felt a hard impact on my body.
I instantly fell over and my vision became blurry until I completely closed my eyes.
I then heard a familiar voice screaming "Yoomin-ah" Ahhh stop screaming.

Yoongi's P.O.V
I was walking normally back home and that's when I saw Yoomin being hit by a car.
I screamed "Yoomin-ah" as I went towards her.
I then decided to carry her to the hospital immediately.

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