Chapter Two - The Incident.

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-16 Years old-

Clark and I were on the school bus home, talking about next's week's home work. There were jock's behind us were being obnoxiously loud.

"Hey ass wipe, what did you think? Did you see the game." Pete interrupted our conversation to be a dickhead.

"Leave him alone, Pete. We're trying to have a conversation." I scowl at the jock.

"What are you, his girlfriend? I wanna hear what he has to say." he jibbed back. I stood up from my seat.

"No, I'm the girl that will kick your ass and humiliate you if you don't sit back down." I moved past Clark who had the aisle seat.

"Try it, freak." I went to punch him but there was a bang and the bus swerved. I let out a small scream as I was tilted from side to side. I hit my head and groaned as we went into free fall.

"Aria!" I heard Clark yell.

"I have her." Lana replied and I felt someone take my waist I blinked and brought my focus back, water started to fill the bus, we were sinking. Lana let go of me which was bad timing because that's when my vision became dark.

-3rd Person.-

The children began screaming as the water got higher and they tried to find a way out or keep their head above the water. Clark waged his way through the water and forced the backdoor open but this made the bus sink completely. Using his powers he pushed the bus out of the water and onto the bankside. The teens coughed and spluttered. Lana looked back to see Clark went and panting. Clark glanced around and saw that two people were missing. Pete and Aria. He dived back into the lake and spotted the two, Pete was flailing about trying to push himself up and Aria floated downwards like a starfish. Clark grabbed Aria first then Pete by the t-shirt and pulled them out. Pete coughed as Aria landed with a thud.

"Ari!" Clark shook her "Aria!" he yelled but there was no response. His instincts kicked in and flitted to x-ray vision. She was closed up with water and her heartbeat was almost none existent. He started CPR

"Come on. Come on!" he gave her two breaths to the mouth and checked. Nothing. He did it again and two breaths till she started to cough up water. He breathed a sigh of relief and rested his head against hers then he felt to the side of her on his back. The only driver that on the road when the bus went over had call the emergency services and it wasn't long before sirens rung out for their arrival.

"Over here! Help!" Clark yelled pulling himself up "My friend she needs help!" they came running over as others police and EMT's checked on the other kids

"She hit her head and passed out, then she was in the water and when i got her up she wasn't breathing. I did CPR and got her to cough up but she hasn't said anything." he ranted

"We've got it kid, get yourself checkout." one of the EMT's nodded "I need a gurney!" They did what they needed to and loaded her into the ambulance.


Mr Kent and Clark drove to the hospital to see Aria, she was being kept in for observation, which irritated the teenage girl to no end. Mr Kent waited outside the hospital room and Mrs Astrid left the two alone.

"How you doing?" he asked

"They're keeping me trapped here it's a conspiracy." she grumbled making Clark chuckle "Thank you, for saving me. I don't remember much but I remember much but I do remember seeing your face." Clark tried to shrug it off but he would never admit out loud that those few minutes she wasn't breathing, terrified him.

---- 6 Months Later ------


I stood with Clark outside of his home. I was crying and trying to talk at the same time. My parents were divorced and my Mom had got a new job in Metropolis I was moving away and I didn't want to go.

"I don't understand?" Clark scowled "Why do you have to leave? Why can't you stay with your Dad?"

"Because that's what the stupid judge decided. I don't want to leave either." I sniffled trying to calm myself down. I wrapped my arms around him and he returned it. "They've only just told me, it all happening so fast." I mumbled and he hugged me tighter. Then he pulled away.

"I made this." he pulled out two moved cored bracelets, he took my right hand and slipped one of them on. It had a C charm on it. "It was supposed to be for your birthday. But I guess you won't be here."

"I love it, thank you." I hugged him again

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