Chapter Twenty One - Sorrow

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a/n: Okay so according to what I've read on line there is debate when the time jump is between batman v superman and ZS' Justice League film. I decided to go with the one that says's it roughly about two or three months after B v S.


I rolled over in bed to the empty and cold side, where Clark should be. It's dark and gloomy outside, I don't know whether it was just me or the world in general but it seemed never to be as bright outside since Clarks death. Another day, just another day and things would or should get easier eventually. Getting up I look down at my growing stomach. Such a cliche or something right out of a tragedy. The one you love dies but a piece of them still is left in this world. I found out a couple weeks after the funeral, to say I was shocked was a understatement.

I was already three months along, when I fainted at work, taken to hospital where they did test and say. Hey I'm gonna make your life more complicated by saying you're gonna have a baby! Initially I laughed at them, I would have know if I was pregnant, Clark would have know, he has super hearing....had super hearing. You're telling me that my Kyrptionon unofficial fiancee didn't hear a baby's heartbeat at all for three months? I made then test me again and then they showed me the sonogram, that shut me up, because there it was a picture, a live picture of a forming baby in my stomach.

So here I was, like many other mothers I would get up, get showered, dressed, have breakfast and head to the local coffee shop. It was raining outside today. I got myself a herbal tea and a coffee for jerry. The nice police officer that usually took the morning shift in front of the still destroyed Superman memorial.

"Good morning Miss Astrid." he greeted me rolling down his window

"Good morning, Jerry." I handed him, his and he returned his back to me.

"Wow. You don't miss a day do you?" he questions "Hows the little nipper today?" he wondered pointing to my growing belly.

"We like it here and they're doing good." I gave him a small smile and walked away going up to the memorial. Flowers still came months after the death of Superman. They were laid where the police had put their cordon. There was a fundraiser going on started by the city of Metropolis to contribute to the restoration. I sipped the tea while rubbing my stomach. I stayed there for about ten minutes before I moved away and went to pick up groceries then headed back home.

Once everything was away I leant against the wall of the spare room, I hadn't touched it. Any normal person would have began to clear stuff out. Personally, i hadn't reached that stage yet. Though there was a pile of baby things in the corner. Martha had taken me shopping a month ago. Paint pots, small bits of furniture.

Close to seven months. and not long left. There was no more putting it off, so I started stripping the bed and putting those sheets in to wash. Hiring someone would be a better idea to deal with the bed. The things that I could do were put anything none heavy into boxes.

"Ah, shit." I groaned. My toe hit something, with a small sigh I crouched down and pulled out what my toe hand stubbed on. It was a large, heavy wooden box. Pulling it out and dragging it into the living room. Then I left it there and went back to what I was doing.


The second room was pretty much clear, just the heavy furniture to be moved. Making something to eat and drink I sat down and turned on the TV. I avoided looking at the box, because I knew it was Clarks box, and that was box that seemed wrong to open it. But it was just there staring at me.

Placing my cup down, I slid off the sofa and onto the floor. Then i pulled the box closer and opened it. As suspected it was box of Clarks things. I took out a set of polaroids and smiled fondly, these were the ones we had taken when we were kids. We always took a camera when we went on our adventures into the farmlands or the forrest area. We would make up stories like we did just talking in his room.

A red blanket. The red blanket, that he was wrapped up in as a baby the night he was sent here to earth. I held it close as tears began to form in my eyes then trickle down my face. Dropping the blanket, i quickly wiped them away, the folded the blanket and put it away and closed the box, pushing it away.

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