Chapter Seven - Who is Kal-El?

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I could barely sleep that night, I was back and forth, restless whatever you want to call it. This General Zod wanted Clark. Hence why I was making my own strong coffee the next morning. While listening to the news. I glanced over and saw that Woodbury was on, ugh why him.

"If he truly means us no harm then he will turn himself into his people and face the consequences. And if he won't do that then maybe we should. The Daily Planet's Aria Astrid know's who this guy is. She's" I choked on my coffee as my phone started to ring.

"Shit." I put the cup down and answered. It was Perry

"Hey Perry." I answered

"Are you watching this crap, it's been running all morning. For once I actually agree with Woodbury. Have you seen him? Do you know where he is?" Perry questioned

"No and even if I did, I wouldn't say." I go to look out of my window.

"The entire world is being threatened here. This is not the time for you to fall back on journalist integrity." I saw black cars pull up in front of my building, and the FBI got out.

"I gotta go." I hung up and grabbed my things running. I headed for the stairs and ran down out into an alleyway, I was almost away when a black SUV cut me off and armed officers jumped out.

"FBI. Hand up, drop the bag now!" they ordered and I huffed doing so, holding up my hands. Then I saw Colonel Hardy.

"Oh lovely, it's you." I was cuffed and put in the back and taken to the nearest air force base. I was uncured in an interrogation room and then the they left locking the door behind him.

"Nice going Aria" I mumbled clapping my hands together before taking a seat.


I had my feet up on the table and was sat there with nothing to do, they were trying to make me sweat but clearly they don't know me. The door opened and I stood up seeing Clark. I didn't say anything though. Yet I couldn't help but eye him up in his get up. It was giving me hero vibes. Clark came and sat down across from me and I copied.

"Why are you here? Are you surrendering to Zod? Why are you surrendering to Zod that is a bad idea." I rambled

"I'm surrendering to mankind, there's a difference, Aria" he replied.

"You let them handcuff you?" I wonder noticing the bling.

"Wouldn't be much of a surrender if I resisted." he shrugged slightly amused. I snorted "If it makes them feel all the more secure then all the better for it." I smiled softly, always thinking of others, despite how that treated him, typical of Clark.

"So what does the S stand for?" I wondered pointing to his adult formed chest

"It's not an S. On my world it means hope." I lean my chin on my hand

"Well you were raised here and we both know it's an S. How about...." I thought about it for a moment "Sup..." I was cut off by microphone feedback

"Err, Sir." a voice interrupted

"Excuse me, Rude we were talking." I snap my head towards the two way mirror.

"Aria." Clark warned." I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair

"My name is Dr. E..." Clark cut him off

"Emil Hamilton. I can see your ID tag in your breast pocket. Along with a half eaten roll of life savers." I snorted in amusement crossing my legs and folding my arms "I can also see the soldiers in the next room preparing that tranquillising agent of yours. You won't need it."

"Sir, you can't expect us to not take precautions. You could be carrying some kind of alien pathogen." I slap my hand against my head

"Wow you really can't fix dumb." I mumble

"I've been here for 33 years and i haven't infected anyone yet." Clark replied with a small smile.

"That you know of. We have legitimate security concerns. You revealed your identity to Miss Astrid over there. Why don't you do the same with us." Clark looked over to me and I shook my head in confinement.

"Let's lay the cards out here on the table, General." Clark stood up and broke his cuffs with ease walking over to the mirror. I smirked impressed and amused "You're scared of me because you can't control me. You don't and you never will. But that doesn't mean I'm your enemy."  He stood looking at them through the glass. Is there anything Clark can't do?

"Then who is? Zod?" The General asked

"That's what I'm worried about?" Clark answered concerned and my bravado dropped. I had been trying to hide how scared I was, it was automatic but something about Clark being scared as how he was right now, the powerful alien. That unsettled me.

"Be that as it may. I've been given orders to hand you over to him." The General replied

"Do what you have to General."

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