Chapter Twenty - Pain

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I sent Martha away as I went got a chopper with the intention of heading back into the city. But what I saw made my blood run cold and explosion up in the sky. I tapped my ear.

"Alfred. I'm gonna need to borrow one of the big toys. Can you send it to the warehouse where well where the B v S fight was."

"Of course." i landed back in Gotham and waited.

"Miss Astrid, Master Wayne thinks the spear that he tried to use on Superman can kill the creature." I snap my head towards the entrance and ran inside.

"On it." When I got there Lois was inside

"Lois? What are you doing here?" I questioned then saw the empty space where I could have sworn I saw the spear land.

"I...I followed you. That weapon it was used to try and kill Clark, i made sure it wouldn't." she gulped

"Where is it." she pointed

"Underground  cavern of water." I removed everything heavy and ran over then dived in. I tired to find it but i got stuck under some debris. I banged and tried to push it but it was no use. I was loosing oxygen. It went black


I came round to the face of Clark hovering over me as i coughed up water. I took deep breaths taking in as much air as possible. He gave me a small smile then dove in to where he pulled me from. I sat and knelt against the side, till I saw him floating

"Clark!" I shout then jump back him and  pull him up  and throw the speak to the other side of the room. Clark coughed and came back around.

"I've got you, I've got you." i whispered holding onto him. We heard the ongoing fight and turned towards it . I looked back at him.

"I love you." he told me.

"No, no you can't. It could kill you. I can't loose you, I can't." I cried holding onto his face

"This is my world." he replied

"No, Clark, don't"  he smiled sadly towards me

"You are my world." he hovered up.

"no, please!" He flew off and away "Clark!" I screamed. I picked up the sceptre and sped of towards the master and I got up on my feet.

"Aria no!" Lois pulled me back

"I can't leave him. I can't" I pushed her away and took off running. I may not have super speed or fancy toys but I loved him and I was damned if he was gonna leave me behind.  When I got there, there was a woman who looked sorrily at me. I looked up and saw the still body.

"No, please no" I cried. Wayne and the woman helped bring him down and I cradled him in my arms sobbing over his dead body.


I laid on Clarks old bed back in Smallville, staring up at the planets we used to point at and make stories of. There were a lot of happy memories preteen us made in this room. Back when it was all simple.

Today was the day of his funeral.

There was a knock and Martha entered. i sat up from my position, we gave each other sympathetic smiles.

"Clark kept this here, so he could surprise you. He made it himself. she handed me a wooden box. Touching my cheek she left me alone and and i opened the old carved box. Inside was a rustic silver ring with a ruby in the middle.

An engagement ring. He was going to propose.

I took a deep breath, wiping away my tears and sliding it on to my finger.


Martha and I walked arm in arm behind the coffin Clark laid in and to the graveyard. We gave our final goodbyes and he was lowered into the ground. While everyone left I didn't I took some of the soil and let it slip through my fingers. My eyes drifted towards the sky and the back to the edge of the graveyard, where Bruce and Diana Prince were watching. I slipped my hand back in my pocket as I headed over to them.

"We're going on a field trip." I state walking past them


A fire of fury had been lit within me, I was enraged but who had been taken from me. Bruce got me into Arkham Asylum. I stood there in my new get up. Luther slowly turned around, a little surprised.

"Expecting someone else? A Bat maybe?" I creeped forward "I wanted to drop in, to give you a little message. Whatever you do, wherever you are. We'll be watching." I toyed with a switch blade.

"But the bell's already been rung. And they've heard it. In the dark, among the stars. Hmm. Ding dong, the god is dead." I shoved Him back and marked his face with the interwoven sign f a arrow and Clarks symbol of hope.

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