Chapter Twenty Four - What Happened

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So alien being was summoned here by a mystical box after 'Superman' was dead. Sensing this world was no longer a threat, it brought a lack of a higher being to bring three boxes together to destroy the whole of the world. Bruce had brought together Diana, Barry Allen, Victor Stone and Arthur Curry before also deciding and figuring out that they needed Clark so they resurrected him and now that he had his memories back he fought back, helping them.

But things were never that easy. I said lacky and the master came mid fight but Barry Allen came in the nick of time reversing to the point of something either way he helped big time and they told the big guy with no words that earth was defended.

Now, that everything and everyone was safe, Martha was able to move back home. I went to grab a box and help in the return.

"Ah, no you don't." Martha took the box from me "You already have precious cargo. Right there with my Granddaughter." she beamed

"Clark told you?! Oh he is a blabber mouth. Clark!" i yelled turning to face him as he was talking to Bruce. He exchanged a few words then the two came over.

"You have loose lips, how you can keep a secret is beyond me ." I shoved his arm

"What did i do now?" he chuckled

"You told your mother what were having. You knew I wanted us both to tell her." he ahhed and took my arm.

"I'm sorry. It came up in conversation and I let it slip. Forgive me." i scowled and walked into the house, helping take the wrapping off the couch and setting it up. Just because they wouldn't let me carry things doesn't mean I couldn't be helpful.


The secret was out...sort of. My Parents arrived to find that Clark was very much alive and well and after a lot of arguing back and forth about me telling them or not telling them stuff. The put the pieces together and deemed him Superman. 'Isn't is a weird coincidence that both of them return at the same time' was a direct quote from my Dad. Then the look of realisation and then another argument where I had to fake pains that the baby was giving me just to shut them up.

"How long do you think your parents are going to be mad at you?" Clark wondered moving pieces of the bed frame out of the spare room.

"Till the baby is born." I mumbled while eating a bowl of popcorn resting on my tummy. "They're stubborn as hell but give them a event and all is dropped until the next drama where everything is brought up again. I love my family, always constant." I chuckle, the move the popcorn to the table and stand up.

"Hey, hey what are you doing?" Clark comes over to my side

"Standing up and moving around like a normal person. Will you relax, If this baby can go through what it went through before I knew they existed, and after I knew they existed. They're gonna be great." I waved him off and moved into the bedroom.

"What happened, while I was..." he trailed off

"Dead?" I ask turning back around and then keeling down to pull his box from under the bed "Honestly. I tried. I tried to just carry on and work through the pain but I wasn't sleeping, I could barely eat without throwing up, though thinking about it, that might have been more her than you. Either way i fainted at work. then they told me the news and I didn't believe it, I couldn't. How neither of us noticed for three months going on four. i couldn't return to work. I was not alright and then I was not all right and pregnant.

It wasn't until just before you came back that the fog seemed to be clearing. That I could stand to tidy up this room, go through your stuff. And now you're back" I admit

"And how do you feel about that?" He wondered sitting down on the bed as I had opened his box of things.

"Happy, very, very happy." I smiled "But also guilty because it felt like with you back, I've done her a great injustice. Like I'm only truly excited because you're here. Like i mistreated her because you wasn't. She was the piece you left behind and I really didn't see that until recently."

"You were grieving, I'm sure that if she knew and could understand. She wouldn't blame you."

"But I blame me." I retort "I have always wanted to be a Mom, almost as close as to being a reporter. But that's not the point, it feels like there are the pre birth mom tests and i failed every single one of them. What does that say for when she get's here?"

"Hey, you will be a great Mom. I know it." he assured me. I hummed slightly then looked down at his red blanket and pulled it out

"Would you mind if you passed this onto her?" i question making him smile broadly

"Of course not." he chuckled but then stopped and looked concerned "What if I pass other..things onto her?"

"Like your abilities?" he nodded

"Does it matter, as long as she is loved and healthy? If she does have your abilities they probably won't present for years. Your's didn't and if they do then we'll explain the best we can." he nodded slightly

"What if she doesn't, like at all?"

"Then when she's older like I don't know 18 or something. Personally I don't want us to lie to her. i want her to be safe of course but not at the expense of being in the dark."

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