Chapter Twenty Five - Bundle of joy

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17 hours of labour. 17 hours to bring Lara Hope Kent into this world. She was 7pounds and 5 ounces and she was a screamer. There was no one in the vicinity that didn't know she was here. Clark at first was scared to hold her and when he did, he was so ridged not wanting to break her like she was a china doll. Eventually he relaxed as Lara let out little grunts and closed her tiny little hand around his finger.

"I can't believe we made her." he muttered "Though you did most of the work." he glanced up as she started fussing. He got up and handed her to me.

"She's hungry." Lara was slipped into my arms ready for her first feeding.

"Oh she has so got you wrapped around her little finger." The nurse came in and helped me out and before i knew it she was a happy little girl.


When we brought her home, Clark had finished off the nursery, it was simple and neutral which made the kryptionan red blanket stand out all the more. I laid her down in the bassinet beside me while I sat on the sofa and I was handed something to eat. I didn't feel really that they were both here. Lara and Clark and that any moment I would wake up.

Over the coming months, Our parents, Bruce, Diana, Perry, Lois. Even the new members of the newly formed justice lueage Barry, Arthur and Victor had come to visit the 'youngest hero member'. As predicted with my parents the arguments of what happened a few months before were forgotten about until the next one.

Martha, Mom and Dad each take by Lara. My Dad literally melted, a general of the United states baby talked to his granddaughter. For this moment everything was truly happy and nothing was wrong.

-1 year later-

Lara played happily as I got dressed, today was mine and Clarks wedding day. It was back home in Smallville and it was good to be home. I wore a simple white dress with my hair in natural curls and pinned back. I glanced at the little dress Lara was going to be wearing, it was made from a part of my dress and was simple as well, nothing to over the top for us. Mom got Lara ready just as I was finishing up.

We were taken to the church, Dad was trying his hardest not to cry but he failed shedding a couple of tears seeing me in my wedding dress and walking me down the aisle to Clark. I glanced down and back up as i came to a stop in front of Clark who was smiling broadly. I then handed my flowers off and took clarks hands. We both looked towards Lara who was now sat on Martha's lap, then back to the minister.

"I Clark Kent take the Aria Genesis Astrid to be my lawful wedded wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish...till death do us part." he stared into my eyes promising me.

"I aria Genesis Astrid take the Clark Kent to be my lawful wedded husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish...till death do us part." We were given the rings and slipped them onto each others fingers.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride." He leant in and kissed me which I returned. Our family and friends clapped for us as Clark then pulled away. Everyone stood and Clark leant over take Lara holding her with one arm and holding my hand as we walked back down the aisle.

We had the reception at Kent Farm and we were taken there. We had a moments that I could remove my veil, before returning out.

"Clark give me your ring for a second." he looked at me confused but i nodded to him and he slipped it off. I took his hand smiling.

"What are you doing?"

"This properly. I Aria Genesis Astrid take thee Kal-El to be my lawful husband." I began and he softened "to have and to hold, in sickness and in health to love and to cherish. Till death do us part." I slipped the ring back onto his finger

"You didn't have to do that?" he whispered

"Yes I did. I want you to know that I love you, for you. Kryptionion side and all. " I kissed him once more and then we went to enjoy ourselves.

-5 years later-

"Lara! Time to go baby!" I call making my way through the house holding 2 year old Jonathan while carrying my third child in my belly. I was heavily pregnant and going to be induced so the kids were staying with my Mom for the weekend.

"No! I don't want another brother." she stomped her foot and folded her arms defiantly

"It might not be a brother, it might be a sister. You never know. Now come on we need to go." I try to urge her on.

"No!" i saw her eyes light up red and then shoot beams into the wall. I stood there in shock for a moment as Jonno started crying his eyes out. Lara was in shock as well.

"Clark!" I yelled and he came running back in. I handed him Jonno and quickly made my way over to Lara pulling her into a hug. Clark looked confused as she started crying into my shoulder.

"What happened?" he questioned comforting his crying son

"Well.." I trailed off "Lara you are certainly like your Daddy." his eyes winded as I pointed to the hole in the wall. I pulled away to wipe away her tears.

"Sweetie, you're okay. You are beyond okay. We're right here."


Lara's powers continued to grow like Clarks did, it was hard for her to understand that she was different from everyone else and that we had to keep it in the family. She spent more time with Clark helping her get it under her control. Though we had a rough patch when she hit puberty.

The fun didn't stop there. Jonno and our youngest Kallie turned out to inherit Kyryption powers. Lets just say, arguments got interesting.

The end

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