Chapter Eight - Kryptonian's

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I stood outside the base with Clark, it was just the two of us, the rest of their air force stood behind the barrier, leaving the two of us to talk somewhat freely.

"Thank you." Clark stated and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"For what?" I wonder

"For being there  and for believing in me, despite it being nearly two decades since we last spoke to each other." He answered. I chuckled and moved a stray peace of hair out go my face.

"Didn't make much difference in the end, did it?" I replied looking down at my bracelet. Clark lifted my head back up.

"It did to me." his hand trailed down my arm to take my hand and I smiled up at him. We heard a boom. I glanced away but my grip on Clarks hand became tighter.

"They're coming you should go now" i didn't move. I didn't want to move "Go Aria." he told me. I raised my hand to his cheek and for a moment he closed his eyes once more then let go of my hand and I made my way  behind the barrier. I watched as a transport ship flew into sight and see across like a hover car out of a movie or something before coming to a stop. A walk way materialised and a Kryptonian as I had just recently learned walked out. They exchanged a few words with Clark, before walking past him and over to us.  Hardy stood slightly in front of me.

"Are you the ranking officer here?" the Kryptonian Soldier questioned.

"I am" General Swanwick replied

"General Zod would like...this woman to accompany me." She pointed to me. Well shit, that was an extra pile of not good. Hardy stepped forward

"You asked for the alien. You didn't say anything about one of our own." General Hardy retorted

"Shall I tell the general your unwilling to comply?" I stepped forward

"No, it's okay. I'll go." I insisted and walked ahead towards Clark.  I gave him a small shrug and made my way onto the ship with the other two following.  They bay doors closed and we took off. The Soldier who I had yet to know the name of walked past the tow of us and up above. I felt Clark slip something into my hand. I looked down then back at him, he subtly shook his head. I remembered that look, it was a don't tell look. 19 years parted seemed like nothing as we feel back into old habits. I slipped into my hidden dress pocket, just as she came back.

"The atmospheric composition on our sip is not compatible with humans. You will need to wear a breather beyond this point." she fixed it around my neck and a thin shield surrounded me. When we arrived I followed closely behind Clark   and into a large room on the ship.

"Kal-El, you have no idea how long we've been searching for you." The voice I recognised from the tv of Zod.

"I take it your Zod." Clark replied

"General Zod, our commander." The one who brought us aboard, became defensive  and Clarks words. Zod glanced at her.

"It's all right, Faora. We can forgive Kal for any lapses in decorum. He's a stranger to our ways. This should be a cause for celebration, not conflict. I noticed something about Clark shift.

"I...feel strange." I took his side holding onto him as he started coughing then we dropped to the floor.

"What's happening to him?" i question glancing up

"He's rejecting our ships atmospherics. You've spent a lifetime adapting to Earths ecology but you never adapted to ours." Clark was coughing up blood. I don't ever remember him being sick before, this scared me more than being on an alien ship.

"Help him." I growled

"I can't. Whatever's happening has to run it's course." God answered as Clark ultimately collapsed

"Please help him ." I pleaded but was pulled away from him, I tried to fight but baring in mind they were aliens much stronger than myself it wasn't much of one. The took me into an examination room, oh conspiracy theorists/nuts were going to love me. They got inside my head, they knew what I knew. Then I was dragged to a cell and thrown in my Faora. I grunted as I hit my wrist against the wall and the door closed.

"Bitch." I grumbled standing up and looking around. It wasn't much but i did notice that something on the wall glowed. Upon further inspection it looked like a usb port but you know Krypton version. I took out what Clark gave me, it looked like it would fit, so why not give it a try. I pushed it in and waited nothing happened. I turned around and jumped

"Oh my christ." I held a hand to my heart "Where the hell did you come from?" i questioned

"The Command Key, Miss Astrid." the figure answered. It would have been stage but the past week had been strange why not this. "Thanks to you, I'm uploading into the ships mainframe."

"Who are you then weird person hologram." I waved my hands about

"I am Kal's father." he answered unfazed by my actions

"Well, I did not expect that." I mumble in slight shock that threw me I must admit making my previous statement about being unfazed redundant "Can you help us?" was the burning question. He tilted his head, this AI of a dead man had attitude.

"I designed this. I can modify its atmospheric composition to compatibility. We can stop them. We can send them back to the phantom zone." he assured me

"How?" I asked

"I can teach you. And in turn you can teach Kal. Will you help me?" he answered and I didn't hesitate to nod in agreement.

"Do I at least get your name?" I hoped

"My name is Jor-El" he answered then expand to me what needed to be done. Once he was finished he changed the atmosphere, Then alarms went off and my breathing shield came down. I gasped slightly. "The ships crew are alerted, we need to move quickly. Retrieve the command key." I did so, slipping it back into my pocket. He opened my cell door and i ran out but halted seeing a soldier, the door came down knocking the firearm out of their hand.

"I'm gonna take a wild guess that was your doing." I breathed 

"Yes. Pick up her side arm." he told me and I was asked then followed him through the halls. My father, though we had a strained relationship told me how to handle a gun, even more so when i went into the line of work I did and was going into dangerous situations that I was. So handling a Kryptonian one seemed no different. It had a trigger for me to pull.

"To your right." he warned me and I lifted it up and fired "Behind you." I swung on my heal and fired again. I huffed out a breath and turned to face Jor-El who was pointing, I followed his direction to another closed door which he opened.

"Secure yourself inside the open pod." I chucked the gun inside and the breath outside the pod "Safe travels Miss Astrid. It's unlikely we'll be seeing each other again." he commented as I fixed myself inside

"Remember, the phantom drives are essential in stopping them. move your head to the left." I did automatically as Faura punched her way though the hologram of Jor-el and hit the inside of my pod, rather than me. I grabbed the gun and fired at her but it left her unfazed . She grabbed the gun and I kicked her back just as the doors closed.

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