Chapter Nine - Battle of Metropolis

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My escape pod was damaged as I dropped out and into space. I screamed in fear and pain as the ride back down was a lot more rougher than I had first expected.

I felt a even heavier hold and I opened my eyes, I saw Clark holding onto my pod. He glance away then back at me before ripping the door off and pulling me into his arms  and turned me around sharply. I was pulled up into the air  and then we descended   slowly.

"You'll be safe here, are you alright?" Clark questioned pulling away slightly to look me over

"Yeah, Yeah I'm fine. Might freak out later but I'm good." I answer silly having my arms wrapped around him "I'm sorry." he looked at me confused

"They got inside my head. I didn't want to tell them anything. I tried to fight it." I babbled feeling guilty.

"It's okay, Ari. They did the same to me too." he brushed a lock of hair away. As my heartbeat began to calm, but then his expression changed and he let go flying off.

"Clark!" I yelled in annoyance and confusion at the same time. I heard a cop car approaching and flagged it down.

"Ma'am are you okay?" he asked

"The world is going to pot because they are aliens about. But other than that I'm fine, you need to take to Kent farm" I answered


"The answers will give you a headache but seriously, you need to take me there." It was only a guess and flash in the mind of what would cause such a reaction given that we had landed in Smallville, the layout didn't change.I got in the front. "Right now." he drove and did as I asked. It may have taken me a minute but I think Mrs Kent was in trouble. It was a long drive, I keep forgetting what a long drive it is.

"Do you have a phone?" I ask

"What?" i rolled my eyes

"Phone, now, gimme." he dug into his pocket and handed it to me. I dialled the familiar number. voicemail, unknown number in a time of panic.

"Dad, it's me, look you need to take command of this situation because it's gonna get really bad and i need you. I'm in the middle of this and despite the past i need someone I can trust. Oh and until we manage to get out of this answer unknown numbers, it's probably me." i hung up. During our approach there were multiple reports of an attack in the town. We arrived at the Kent's and I jumped out.

"Clark!" I ran over to him and Mrs Kent "I know how to stop them. We're gonna need your ship." I breathed heavily

-3rd Person-

General Sebastian Astrid marched with two officers behind him into the command centre that was dealing with the situation.

"Lieutenant General Swanwick."  Swanwick turned sharply an noticed the man was high that him


"I'm General Sebastian Astrid, and I will be taking over command." Sebastian Astrid came to stand in front of the Lieutentant .

"Astrid as in the father of Aria Astrid the only one too know the identity of the alien?" Swan wick questioned

"Yes, before you ask I am of clear mind to take over the situation. Now appraise me of the lesser known facts."

"The ship just split in two, sir. Track one is heading east and tract two to the southern hemisphere." One of the airforce man  informed Sebastian

"And how fast is that bogey moving?" Sebastian wondered glancing at the screen monitoring the situation.

"Approaching Mark 24 and accelerating. It looks like it's going to impact somewhere in the indian ocean." Sebastian nodded

"Right, well we're going to need prepare for arrival my daughter plans to return to the base. I'll need a communications device for her and a jumpsuit. Knowing her she plans to be fully involved in the plan. Swanwick with me." Sebastian moved to the side as did Swanwick.

"I know my sudden entrance here is not desirable and it not that I don't trust you to your job. But from one father to another, that's my baby girl out there, she's in the middle of this and is asking for my help." Swanwick nodded

"I understand." they headed back and saw that the two bogeys had stopped. One over metropolis

"General Astrid, your ex wife has been brought into custody." Sebastian sighed as Annabeth Astrid came forward

"Sebastian, what am I doing here and where is our daughter." she scowled

"Anna, now is not the time for questions. I know we have a bad history but i need you to trust me okay. Just this one time that I'm thinking of your safety and Aria's" she looked deeply into his eyes and nodded "These men are going to take you into one of the interrogation rooms. I will send Aria once she arrives back. And for everyone's sanity, don't make a fuss."

"Okay, I get it." she was escorted away. The air force command watched as the ships started attacking the city and the middle of the indian ocean causing destruction.

"What have they hit us with?" Sebastian questioned turning serious

"Looks like some kind of gravity weapon." Dr Hamilton stated looking up at the screen "It's working in tandem with their ship. Somehow they're increasing the earth's mass, clouding the atmosphere with particulates, Oh my god they're terraforming."

"What's that" Private Carrie Hawkins asked

"They're changing everything that makes earth, earth. They're making a new Krypton."  Sebastian clarified craning his neck slightly.

"But what happens to us?" Hawkins wonders

"Based on these readings, there won't be an us." Dr Hamiliton breathed fear creeping into his voice about what he was reading on the screen.

"General Astrid. Colonel Hardy's on his way and he's got Superman and your daughter in tow?" Sebastian turned at the mention of his daughter

"Superman?" he questioned

"The alien sir. That's what they're calling him, Superman." Sebastian shook his head, he didn't know why but something told him that it was his daughter's doing.

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