Chapter Fifteen - Party of Foes

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-3rd Person-

That night was night for espionage. Clark attended the gala as did Bruce Wayne who wanted to plant a device to copy off Luthors servers. Clark caught out with his hearing and when Bruce came back.

"Mr Wayne? Mrs Wayne?" Clark stopped him "Clark Kent, Daily Planet." he introduced himself shaking hands with Bruce.

"Oh. My foundation has already issued a statement in support of books." Bruce got distracted

"Sir?" Clark asked

"Sorry, see a pretty face, bad habit. Don't quote me on that." he joked going to leave but Clark wasn't letting go that easily on the man that was both suspicious and his girlfriend didn't like for a reason.

"What's your position on the Bat vigilante in Gotham?" Clark questioned

"Daily Planet. Do I own this one? Or is that the other guy?" Bruce wondered trying to brush him off and glancing around.

"Civil liberties are being trampled on in your city. Good people are living in fear." Clark continued not wanting to let it go.

"Don't believe everything you hear, son." Bruce calmly retorted in a conceding way.

"I've seen it, Mr Wayne. He thinks he's above the law."

"The Daily Planet criticising those who think they're above the law is a little hypocritical wouldn't you say? Considering overtime your hero saves a cat out of a tree, Aria Astrid writes a puff piece editorial about an alien who, if he wanted to, could burn the whole place down. There wouldn't be a damn thing we could do to stop him." Bruce rebuffed

"Most of the world doesn't share your opinion, Mr Wayne." Clark answered not rising to the fact he mentioned his girlfriend.

"Maybe it's the Gotham City in me. We just have a bad history with freaks dressed like clowns."

"Boys! Um. Bruce Wayne meets Clark Kent. I love it. I love bringing people together. How are we?" he shook hands with them both

"Wow that Is a good grip you should not pick a fight with this person." Lex author joked "So after all these years we finally got you over to Metropolis." Lex turned his attention to Bruce

"Well, I thought I'd come and drink you dry." Bruce smirked

"Your Welcome. You should hop the harbour more often, though. I'd love to show you my labs. Maybe we could partner on something. My R and D is up to all sorts of no good."

"Maybe." Bruce answered which Lex took

"And you Mr Kent, now admittedly I only know of you through your stunningly tenacious girlfriend Aria Astrid. How is she these days, how the brush with death in Africa isn't hindering her too much." Luther turn his intention to the speckled journalist.

"Your Dating Aria Astrid?" Bruce questioned

"I am. And Aria is resilient, it takes a lot to knock her off her game. In fact she did mention that you owe her an exclusive and $20 for guessing your security code." Lex gave a small laugh

"Well please assure her that once I have an exclusive it is all hers as for the twenty dollars." he took a note out of his wallet "With regards."

"I'm sure she'll appreciate it. She also mentioned you Mr Wayne. But I wouldn't like to repeat what she said." Clark shook his head and Lex latched on to it like a dog to his favourite toy.

"Oh i would love to heard what the infamous Aria Astrid says about the Bruce Wayne please." Lex encouraged Clark.

"She stopped herself at narcissistic son of a bitch." Bruce scoffs and shakes his head "I was under the impression you made her really mad, not as mad as the Batman but close."

"Yes, I remember her writing and article about him, safe to say she ripped him a new one. i was surprised Perry White let her publish it." Lex commented

"And that's seven minutes." Clark overheard the voice talking to Bruce again.

"Mr Luthor. The Governor" Lex's assistant reminded him

"Oh, Governor. Excuse me." Lex left the two and Bruce made his way to retrieve the device he had planted. Clark follow him but got distracted by a news report about a fire that was happening. He put following Bruce Wayne aside and went to help. Bruce however wasn't having much luck either, his device was taken by a unknown woman.

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