Chapter Sixteen - Hidden Enemies

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When I had returned, I huffed out a frustrated sigh as Clark watched the coverage and the debate about himself and his actions to help. I grabbed the control and shut it off.

"You should ignore them. Especially that Senator, she has a stick so far up hear ass I'm surprised it doesn't hurt." I dropped the control and headed into the kitchen.

"I thought you'd still be in D.C.?" Clark thought.

"I was but, my Dad got sick of me bugging people that he made sure I got on the plane and that I stayed on there, payed the air hostess' to keep an eye on me. I don't know whether to take that as a compliment, or an insult." I shrug making myself something to eat. Clark slips his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my neck. I smile putting the knife down and resting a hand on his cheek.

"I met Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne." he mumbled in my ear "What happened between you and Wayne, you never said."

"Wayne is notorious for being a flirt. He tried it on with me, while drunk I might add. I kicked him in his south regions. Then he had the nerve to say that I should be flattered he was flirting with me. For that I punched him." I felt his grip tighten. "It was ages back, before we reconnected. Still don't like him." I carried on making my sandwich.

"Lex Luthor paid you." he added

"About time. I won that bet four years ago." I tapped his hands and let go, so I could move away "Might I make the suggestion that if your gonna go off the topic you were assigned you actually cover it up till you have a story worth printing, otherwise Perry will be pissed and you'll go down instead of up." I sat on the sofa and put my feet up.


I carried on with work, I had to do something while I was waiting for my Dad to get back to me. I was there to see when Perry ripped Clark a new one when he found out Clark was writing about Batman. It went from bad to worse when Clark dropped something on my desk. Polaroids of a dead man with Judge, Jury, Executioner and Justice? on them with the article about Batman's brand.

"I think I know who the Batman is." he mumbled leaning on my desk. My head snapped towards his. I gathered the pictures and gestured for him to follow me. We headed into the stairwell. Close to private as I could get.

"What? Who? How?" I questioned

"I think Bruce Wayne is the Batman and he was at the gala to steal information from LexCorp." he told me and I waited

"That...that's it? Clark. You know as well as I do that, you need more proof than Bruce Wayne being a shady bastard." I reply

"You don't believe me?" he sighed

"It's not that I don't believe you. In fact it would make a lot of sense they both share the same sense of self righteousness and I can't stand either of them. But overhearing a conversation you technically weren't meant to doesn't make an expose. However, what Batman had done directly or indirectly in these pictures is wrong and is not acceptable." i look back down at them.


"In a democracy, good is a conversation, not a unilateral decision. So I urge Superman to come to the hill of the People, tomorrow. To see those who have suffered. The world need to know what happened in that dessert. And to know what he stands for. How far will he take his power? Does he act by our will or his own?" Senator Finch spoke to the press and I watched as I made my way to a meeting with my Dad. We sat in the park.

"C.I. thinks the desert was the set up. Somebody wanted Superman to look guilty." I let out a shaky breath.

"And the bullet?" I asked. Dad slid it back into my pocket

"The metal was developed by a private company. The company before you ask, was LexCorp." he informed me

"Lex Luthor, awh that shady son of a bitch." I shake my head

"He also had private security contractors at that desert compound." I rubbed my head as I felt a headache starting "You know, sweetheart. All of this is off the record. This is a father thing not a government thing."

"You said that the ambush was arranged to from Superman but how could he know that he would show up in the...." I trailed off "In the middle of the dessert. We need to get to the Capitol. Now."

"Aria, what's the matter."

"Something big and bad. Come on." I grabbed his hand and dragged him away. He commandeered a chopper and we made the flight over as close as we could get to the Hill. I showed my press badge and Dad showed his credentials and we were let through. The two of us shuffled our way to the front of the barricades just in time to see Clark land and make his way up to the steps of the senate. I waited outside with the others.

"Aria, tell me what's going on." Dad turned me around "Now." For the first time in a long time I hugged my Dad in fear. My Dad hesitated for a moment before wrapping his arms around me like the protector he was.

"Sweetie, what's going on? You can...."

Boom. I was forced down into a crouch as the loud noise almost deafened me. I managed to break free of my fathers protection to see that smoke was coming out of the Capitol.

"Oh my god." I breathed.

"Aria, are you alright?" Dad questioned as I felt my heart sink. "Aria."

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answer.

Someone bombed the Capitol, with Clark inside.

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