Chapter Twelve - Africa

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So I'm gonna have Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman because Ben Affleck as that character just annoys and irks me for some reason.

Any story of love between two people, no matter what their gender, always has complications. There are bumps sometimes mountains in the journey of a relationship. Relationships are the definition of complicated. Clark and I had been friends since we met at play group. We gravitated towards each other and formed a bond. 13 Years Later that bond was fractured and then severed when i had to move away. But it wasn't severed as I had thought. We found each other again, by chance. It was then I found out he more different that I could have ever realised.

He wasn't from earth. Kal-El was the last son of Krypton, as his world was dying his birth parents made the ultimate sacrifice and sent him here to Earth, where he grew up as Clark Kent. But even though he was the last son born of Krypton, he wasn't the last. His fathers former friend and leader of a faction a man called General Zod, survived with his soldiers who had tried to over throw the Kryptonian government in the last days.

Zod wanted to make earth the new Krypton and harvest the save generation from Clark. A fight ensued, the most destructive fight even known to mankind. Thousands were killed that day in the Battle of Metropolis. Superman won at a cost. A cost he tried to make up for. But he knew that he couldn't be Superman all of the time, hence why Clark joined me as a reporter at the Daily Planet.

Despite the fact I had been seen kissing Clark as Superman, I brushed off the questions and the sly remarks in favour of dating Clark, even though they were one in the same. Don't ask.

-18 months Later-

Nairobi, Africa

My head was covered with a hood as I was dragged out of a car. I wanted an interview with the notorious war lord. I was accompanied by Jimmy Olsen who is a photographer. I was pushed to my knee's and the hood was removed. I saw the Warlord aka the General Amajagh. I huffed out a breath and stood up making my way over . The General sat down on a chair where I was given a rug.

"Are you a terrorist , General?" I questioned making myself comfortable and taking out my notebook and pen.

"They did not tell me the interview was with a lady." he smirked and I held restrained myself from doing anything stupid.

"I prefer the term journalist." I reply curtly.

"What I am is a man with nothing except a love of my people." The General answered and I hummed noting it down.

"Okay and who is paying for these security contractors, General. Cause you say you have nothing but this much muscle and the bruise that developing on my arms says your money is coming from somewhere." I counter tilting my head slightly.

"Who pays for the drones that pass over our head at night?" he answers a question with a question "One question begs another, Yes?"

"CIA." my head snaps backward and the General stand up from his seat. Oh shit, no. The job was going bad.

"No!" I protest but was pulled back by two goons.

"Not her! We just used her credentials as cover. She don't know anything" Jimmy stated "It's okay, Aria." he nodded to me. The General raised up his gone and without blinking killed Jimmy. I was then pulled inside and forced to sit on a chair. The General closed the door behind him leaving only the two of us.

"I...I didn't know. I swear." I stuttered. Oh of all the jobs to go wrong this had to be the one. I shuffled on my chair.

"Ignorance is not the same as innocence, Miss Astrid." he circled me. Oh come on Aria, get a grip, Dad trained me for bad situations. I just needed to think clearly. Well to be fair a warlord who is trigger happy wasn't at the top of his list. Then it was followed by gun shots and fighting.

"Get up." he forced me up and held a gun to my head, hostage situation It wasn't long before it went quiet for a moment and the a noise that had become familiar to me. The ceiling crashed in. Now I'm not one for being a damsel but boy was it good to see him. Clark rose from the debris of the ceiling and The General pulled me tighter.

"Take one step and you will see the inside of her head." I was threatened. Clark slowly looked up and locked eyes with me. It was a silent conversation, that made me relax and let go of the Genrals arm that was around my throat. I gave him brief nod and he took it from there tackling the general far away from me. I looked around and took a deep breath before calmly walking out. The compound that I had briefly seen crawling with mercenaries and contractors was deserted. My foot knocked into something. I looked down.

It was my notebook. Clark had gotten it for me for Christmas, yet now it had ben shot through. Picking it up I saw that the jeep I had come in was still there and not shot up. I ran over and got in, they keys were still there and I drove away.

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