Chapter Thirteen - End of Love?

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I had been intercepted for a debriefing, before I was allowed to return home. The taxi pulled up outside my building. Paying the driver I got my things and made my way up. I was tired and I felt gross so setting the bath was the first thing. Normally a shower would do me fine but I needed to decompress. i started separating  my clothes to wash. when i came across my notebook. I took a closer look at the damage of the bullet hole but found none. It wasn't a through and through.

Heading into the bathroom I took out my nail file and dug out what had gone into the thick leather. The find was a bullet, that wasn't screwed up. When my bath was ready I sat staring at it, most bullets I had managed to see after they had been fired were mushed . Not this one.

I heard the front door open and close. I hid the bullet in my make up bag and there was a small knock.

"Yeah." I answered and Clark opened the door.

"Hey." he beamed which I tried to return

"Hey." I returned

"I was gonna cook, surprise you." he told me while holding a bag of groceries which also had flowers peeking out. I cleared my throat.

"They're holding hearings about what happened." I state looking down. "They're saying that..." he cut me off

"I don't care. I don't care what they're saying. The woman I love could have been blown up or shot." he countered back, making me sigh "Think about what could have happened."

"What about, what did happen." I retorted "Clark, the CIA sent someone undercover and didn't tell me. They found out and Jimmy was shot, I was threatened and you save me. The next thing I know is that I'm being hauled in and interrogated and debriefed at the same time. And they're saying..." I stop short

"I didn't kill those men, if that's what they think. If that's what your saying."

"I'm saying thank you for protecting me, for saving me and being there when I needed you the most. But i need to understand because between you flying away and  having my ass sat down with the big boys someone killed those people. There is a cost, Clark." I stressed. He put the bag down and came to sit on the edge of the bathtub, resting a hand on my back.

"Sometimes I don't think it's possible." I admitted

"You don't think what's possible?" he questioned

"For you  love me and be who your meant to be." I stared up into his eyes, he glanced away and pulled out a rose handing it to me. This simple gesture like many before quelled my doubts. He then stood up and stepped fully clothed into the bath.

"Clark!" I squealed as he took his jacket off "Your going to flood the place." he hummed and came down to kiss me. I hummed in happiness then he pulled away removing the glasses he never needed.


The next morning i came out of the bedroom to Clark cooking breakfast and I was mulling to myself.

"Ari, have you seen this?" Clark asks and I stop turning to him, he points to the TV. Batman strikes again.

"Oh, that pompous prick." I huffed "Branding, that's new and another level of being a prick." I went back to what I was doing.

"What do you know about...The Batman?" Clark wondered as I was trying to find my credentials

"Aha, gotcha. Huh. Oh he is vigilante that's been trying to clean up the streets of Gotham City. Key word trying and not doing a very good job. Granted over half of the snakes of the city are either dead or in prison but just to put his nose out of joint double the criminals pop up in their place. You know I tried to get an interview with him once. Even went to Gotham. He told me to meet him on the rooftop then proceeded to threaten me about what a bottom feeding parasite I was just because  of my job.

So I then wrote an article butchering him to a form of damnation, he's been trying to recover is reputation ever since." I ranted "Oh yummy." I grabbed the plated up food from him and went to sit down


I had stopped off at the crime lab before work. I had a technician who owed me a favour.

"Aria, crime lab online two for ya!" Jenny called over. I raised up a peace sign before taking the call

"This is Astrid." I answered. i hummed a I was given the information the ended the call.

"Hey are you guys watching this?" I turned my attention to Jenny who turned up Chanel 8 news.

"Emergency responders quickly created a precautionary permitter around Hero's park while they brought down the man from this beloved monument. The suspect has been identified as Wallace Vernon Keefe." it was reported

"I work for Bruce Wayne! I work for Bruce Wayne!" he yelled being loaded into the back of the cop car.

"He'll be arranged on charges of vandalism, resisting arrest and the felony charge of making terrorist threats. That carries up to 40 years in prison." I narrowed in and what Keefe had done and I stood up.

False God

"Jenny. Headline: 'End of love affair with Man in the Sky, question mark." Perry stated and I looked back to Clark.'

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