part three: reflect

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At your departure, Sprite and Sersi make their way back into the conference room and sit back down.

"We know this is a crazy scenario," Sersi starts, placing her palms flat on the table, "but we truly mean no ill will."

"We're pretty used to crazy scenarios," Sam replies lightly.

"We trust you," Rhodey cuts to the chase, "and will help in any way we can."

"Thank you," Sersi says.

"What's our next move?" Bucky asks as he flips a knife into the air and catches it.

"We should gather the others," Sersi says to the group.

"A family reunion," Sprite says, unamused, "about time."

"I know where Ajak, Kingo, Thena and Gilgamesh are," Sersi thinks out loud as she lists off names.

Bruce pulls up a holographic map as the two girls start to point at places on the rotating globe.

"We should start here," Sersi states, pointing at South Dakota.

"It's where Ajak lives," Sprite explains, "she's our leader. She should know where everyone else is."

"She also might know how to help Y/N." Sersi adds, "we might have the technology on the domo."

"The domo?" Peter repeats the foreign phrase out loud.

"It's the name of our ship," Sprite explains.

"Why does every ship need a name?" Bucky asks out loud. Wanda looks over at him and shrugs.

"We didn't choose it," Sersi defends, "it's what we were told."

"You've had plenty of time to think of a better one," Bucky counters.

"It's a fine name," Sprite says indignantly, trying to stare Bucky down who just looks bored.

"Guys," Sam cuts in, snapping his fingers in front of the two, "focus up."

"Buck and I can come with you," he continues, looking at Bucky who raises his eyebrow.

"I guess so," Bucky stands and swings his left arm in a circle, stretching it out as he pockets his knife.

The others stand as well as Bruce speaks up.

"We need to take it easy on Y/N," he says softly, "this is a lot for her to process."

"Of course," Sersi rushes out, gesturing between her and Sprite, "we didn't mean to make her uncomfortable."

He waves her off, "I know you didn't," he assures, "but this is her life we're talking about. It may not be as black and white as you think."

There's a moment of silence amongst the group.

"Let's get the quinjet loaded up," Sam looks to Bucky who nods.

"You guys can come with me," Bucky directs the two girls, making his way out of the conference room, "Parker, wanna help load the quinjet?"

"I feel like that isn't a question," the boy states as he walks behind the group.

"Not really," Bucky calls out behind him before the four are making their way towards the hangar.

"We'll keep an eye on her," Wanda says to Sam as she stands up from the table.

"Give her some time," he turns to Bruce. The scientist nods at this and shares a glance with Wanda and Rhodey.

"Regroup in the morning," Sam instructs, "'ll keep you updated with our coordinates and if we encounter any more of those deviants."

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