part one: reunion

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"What the fuck?" You say bluntly.

You can't help but swear when there's a random guy flying above you with laser beams shooting out of his eyes.

"Get out of the way!" A girl from behind tries to turn you around from the fighting above you, but you're trying to figure out what that creature is and who the guy wrestling with it is too.

One moment you were grabbing the coffee order Rhodey had placed for you and the rest of the Avengers to celebrate Friday, the next you were knocked over by what you assume is an alien.

At least you don't think you've seen something like that on Earth.

The girl finally breaks you out of your stupor and has you face her. It's a teenage girl. No older than 14 you'd suspect.

She freezes up when she looks at your face though and says, "Y/N?"

You're not surprised she knows who you are given your position and you go to shake her hand, but she doesn't respond. You don't blame her, that might be weird given the circumstances. Do kids still shake hands these days?

"Get the civilians out of here!" The man above you screams as he literally tackles this alien to the ground whilst his eyes seem to burn its skin. Does it even have skin?

"I'm not a civilian!" You shout back as you grab the shoulders of the girl that tried to get your attention.

"Are you okay?" You ask her, but she's still in shock at your face. You try to push her along and see another woman running in your peripheral vision fighting with laser eyes.

"Sprite!" The woman with black hair shouts and this finally gets the kid to snap out of her haze.

"Look!" She points at you and you raise your eyebrow looking over to the two people down the road right next to the now dead alien.

There's a black SUV barreling down the road and you see Sam above you with his wings spread wide.

He drops in front of you, "why is it so hard to get coffee?"

He jokes and you laugh with him, even though you're unnerved by the way the three people are looking at you.

""Fridays, am I right?" You say dryly.

The woman down the street is running towards you now though and Sam spreads his wings to shield you.

"She helped defeat it," you say, moving out to the side of his wing.

Sprite runs down the street past the black haired woman as Wanda, Bucky, Rhodey and Peter all jump out of the SUV. You see Sprite trying to get the man at the end of the road to move, but he just stares at you silently.

"Couldn't wait for us?" Bucky jokes as he looks over at the alien, kicks it to make sure it's dead, and walks with the rest of the group towards you.

"Is he okay?" You ask the raven haired woman, pointing to the man, "he just shot laser beams out of his eyes like Clark Kent." you explain to Sam.

"Well that'll be fun to explain to news circuits," Rhodey mutters and you agree.

"I just wanted coffee," you say softly and Wanda nods agreeing with you.

"Y/N," the raven haired woman says, "is it really you?"

You look to the rest of your group and back to the woman, you nod.

She runs up and hugs you so tightly you nearly fall over.

"Ikaris!" She shouts, letting you go, but wrapping your arm in hers, before walking down the street to the man clearly in shock.

He's still staring at you and you have the admit he might have a more intense stare than Bucky when you take his favorite cereal. 

The rest of the Avengers follow you down the street as Sam starts assessing damage of the attack. You know you'll have to give a statement and figure out why that thing was after you, but right now you're more intrigued by the man in front of you.

"Ikaris," Sprite nudged his shoulder, "say something."

"I don't understand what's happening," Peter whispers to Wanda, who's tilting her head curiously.

Her eyes begin to glow and she's reading his mind before she can help it. She gasps out loud and you turn to her, "Wanda, what's wrong?"

She's staring at Ikaris now, who's out of his funk, but your eyes are on her.

"He knows you, Y/N, I-" she starts, baffled "you're-"

"My wife," laser eyes finally speaks and you turn back around to see him closer to you.

He takes hold of your hands, squeezing them as if to make sure they're real. There's tears in his blue eyes.

"It's-" he chokes up, "it's been centuries." He says it with such raw emotion you nearly believe him.

He suddenly lifts you up in the air and spins you around, laughing and kissing your cheeks, before putting his forehead against yours, gently setting your feet back on the ground.

"I knew we'd meet again." he whispers against your lips and you finally pull back from him, startled at the affection.

You awkwardly chuckle at his confused gaze, "I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong person."

"Impossible," he says immediately.

"What the hell did I miss?" Sam asks, walking onto the scene.

"Clark Kent says Y/N is his wife and he hasn't seen her for centuries." Bucky states bluntly.

"That's Superman?" Peter asks.

"I'm not Superman," Ikaris states, "I'm an Eternal, sent here thousands of years ago to protect against the Deviants," he looks over to you, "just like you were."

"I'm not even 30," you say defensively, taking another step back, "and I really don't think you have the right person."

"But it's you," the dark haired woman says, "it has to be."

"Sersi is right," Sprite says, "I knew the moment I saw you."

"As did I," Ikaris states.

With his gaze on you, you don't doubt him, but still it's a pretty crazy scenario.

"The question is, why was that thing attacking Y/N?" Rhodey cuts in and you're thankful for a chance to look away from Ikaris.

"Let's go debrief at the compound, there's too many eyes here," Sam states and that's when you realize there's a group of people down the block pushing against a police barricade.

You go to hop into the SUV and are surprised to see Ikaris trying to climb in next to you.

"Can't you fly?" You defend weakly as you slide into the backseat together.

"You can too," he counters, "but I'm not letting you out of my site again."

"I can't fly," you look at him confused, and you're sure your faces match.

"Yes you can," he states as if it's the most obvious thing in the World.

"I think I'd know if I could fly," You say with more sass than you'd meant.

He doesn't respond, but instead looks at you with such sadness you felt as though you could cry.

He gently touches your cheek, but you don't pull away.

"Oh Y/N," he says softly, "what did they do to you?"

You turn your face away and look towards the window, hoping he'd get the hint to leave you alone. Thankfully he does and the rest of the ride to the compound is silent.


part one is done! what are we thinking??

stay tuned for some mushy love felt between ikaris and y/n because I swear it's coming up



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