part five: retrieve

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"Barbeque or sour cream?" You hold both bags up to Ikaris and Bruce, both sitting at the kitchen counter.

Ikaris points to barbeque while Bruce points to sour cream. You nod and pour some on to each plate of sandwiches.

You headed back to the kitchen for a late lunch after being in the lab for so many hours.

Pepper and Morgan had left an hour or so prior to go back in the city for the rest of the day, so the compound was emptier than usual.

Rhodey was also on his way back from the city having been there to work with the Stark Foundation to help with any repairs the deviants had caused.

You slide the plates across the counter, both of them thanking you.

"I'm going to get Wanda," you say to the pair before making your way to the garden.

You found the witch near the royal azaleas she had planted.

She weeded around the bush with a delicacy that made your heart hurt. Given it was spring the flowers were in full bloom. You reached out and touched a petal. They were a soft pink, and nearly looked like cherry blossoms.

You watched her for a moment before sitting in the grass beside her.

"I miss her." You finally speak into the silent space.

You don't have to specify who you meant. The flowers in front of you were a former friends' favorite.

She keeps her back to you as she continues working around the plant, "me too."

She finished off her weeding of the plant and wiped at her forehead.

"Let's go eat," you pat her shoulder, "I made you a sandwich."

She nods as you both stand up and make your way back into the kitchen.

You're chewing on a particularly large bite of your ham and cheese when R.O.S.A.L.I.N.D, the A.I Tony helped you created, spoke up.

"The quinjet has just arrived," her British voice filled the room and you nodded.

"Thank you Rosalind," you speak into the air and turn back to Bruce and Ikaris.

"Rosalind?" Ikaris questions.

"Reactions opposing science always land in notable disarray," you list off the acronym you'd created with a soft smile.

"Tony's A.I. 's always had names," Bruce explains, "we like to keep the tradition going."

"But Y/N likes to honor underrepresented women in stem," Wanda explains as she grabs the plate her sandwich was on.

"What chips do you want?" You ask the Sokovian.

"Sour cream and onion," she replies, "but we should go to the landing bay."

Ikaris stands from his seat and gives your shoulder a comforting rub, "let's go."

You nod and make your way towards the hangar.


The group is tense as you make your way to the bay.

When you get there the doors of the quintet are already open, with Bucky and Sam unloading the jet.

There's a woman next to Sersi with long brown hair, walking down the ramp with her arm around Sprite.

She spots you and starts walking faster towards the lot of you.

When she reaches you, she cups your cheeks in her warm hands, "oh honey."

She pulls you into a tight hug that can only be described as maternal, really. Her embrace is tight around you as you hug her right back.

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