part eleven: revelation

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You felt warmth all over as you slowly woke up from sleep, opening your eyes.

You try to move to sit up, but an arm around your waist precludes you from doing so.

"No," you hear Ikaris murmur sleepily in your ear, "keep sleeping."

"Ikaris," you protest, trying to turn in his grasp, "we gotta wake up."

"'M too comfy," he whines, "don't move."

You do, turning to face him. His eyes are still closed, but he's got a small smile on his face.

"Ikaris," you poke his cheek, "get up."

"But you're so warm," he mumbles, "and I'm tired."

"Me too," you agree, "but we've gotta get going."

"Ten more minutes," he tries to bargain, throwing his hand over your waist.

You run your fingers through his hair gently, and he snuggles deeper into the pillow.

His breathing evens out as he slowly falls back asleep. You giggle before lifting his arm off you and on the pillow you were laying on.

You quietly sneak out of your room and make your way into the kitchen for some much needed coffee.

You find Makkari, Kingo and Sam in the kitchen.

"Good morning," you greet, beelining towards the cupboards.

"How are you feeling after last night?" Sam asks gently from the stove.

You fill your mug with coffee, "pretty good actually."

"That's good," he smiles, "you had quite a bit to drink."

You sip your coffee, thankful for the warm liquid to wake you up, "I did," you agree with him.

'When are you planning on leaving?' Makkari signs to you as you walk towards the table to her and Kingo.

"This afternoon probably," you answer out loud, "Ikaris is still very much asleep."

"He does love to sleep," Kingo observes.

"Y/N, did you want eggs?" Sam calls out.

"Sure" you answer, "thanks Sam."

"Of course," he gives a warm smile, "it's the most important meal of the day."

"Okay Sam," Bucky leans against the wall, "turn off Captain mode."

"I'm not in Cap mode," Sam points the spatula at Bucky, "breakfast is important."

"It is," Kingo agrees, "and these eggs are gonna be delicious."

Bucky comes to the table with a full cup of coffee.

"Buck, this is Kingo and Makkari," you introduce, "they're eternals."

"Hi," he gives an awkward smile, "I'm Bucky Barnes."

'Nice to meet you' Makkari signs.

'Nice to meet you as well,' Bucky signs back.

"The winter soldier," you hear Druig saunter in, "with the metal arm."

"He's really harmless," you offer, "I saw him fall on his ass walking on ice and it kind of ruined the scary appeal."

"It was slick!" He defends, "how could I have not slipped?"

"Walk more carefully," Sprite walks in with Sersi and Ajak.

"Respect your elders," Bucky points to her, "I'm like a hundred years old."

Sprite raises her eyebrow, "I'm literally immortal."

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