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I step off the plane and immediately feel Florida's welcoming warm weather. It is about the same here as it is in Texas but still warm.

As I walk to the baggage claim, I keep what my brother said in the back of my mind. 'Blond hair green eyes'  ok, that only describes a quarter of Florida's population, that's fine. As I'm too busy intensely looking around at all of the strangers in the airport, I run directly into a hard chest, causing me to call flat on my ass. Fuck.

Instantly my anxiety goes through the roof. "Shit, I am so so sorry!" I finally look up to see a small smirk on the stranger's face. A somewhat handsome face. He is kinda cute, but I have most definitely seen better.

"We've only just met but I see you are falling for me already sweetheart." he holds out his tan hand for me to take to help me up and i gladly take it. "Thank you.." I trail off as I realize I don't know the stranger's name.

"Ashton. But you can call me Ash if you want sweet cheeks." his brown eyes sparkling as he shamelessly checked me out once i'm standing. But, he doesn't immediately let go of my hand, sending my anxiety even higher.

"Well once again, I'm very sorry for bumping into you!" I added a small smile while taking my hand back. "It's alright, I could never stay mad at a cute little thing like you. What're you doing here, hot stuff?" Okay, some might find this flattering but I find it plain out creepy. I just want to go in my brother's arms and cry. Yes, my anxiety is that bad.

"I um, I'm actually here too.." My eyes scan the room and I find a very confused man with blond hair and green eyes looking around. Bingo. "Meet my boyfriend! He is actually right over there!" I walk up to the man and give him a hug, whispering in his ear as I do. "Please go with it."

Ash follows me over, scratching the back of his neck. "Boyfriend huh?" I nod then look up at the man I pray is Clay and see him nodding as well. "Well i'm sorry miss," He looks at the man who shakes his arm around me, securely pulling me toward him "You have a very pretty girl here. Treat her nice or whatever." and with that he finally walks away.

Once Ashton is out of sight, I sigh a breath of relief and step away from the man who saved me without even really knowing it. "Thank you so much. I'm sorry for that, really. He was just creeping me out and calling me nicknames and my anxiety got really high and-" he cuts me off and cups my face with his hands, making me whimper a tiny bit.

"Hey, it's okay. I didn't really do much but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. You're Cora, right? Sapnaps sister?" I nod, thankful I had successfully found Clay. "Okay good, let's get out of here, this place is giving me anxiety too." He gave me a gentle smile, separating himself from me and guiding me over to the baggage claim area again so we can get my stuff.

Now that I can actually get a good look at him, I can see he is actually very attractive. Much more than Ashton. Sharp jawline, ruffles blondish hair that looks soft and attractive for being slightly messy, bright green eyes that look very full of life. Everything about him just screams perfection.

I finally snap out of my gaze when I see my suitcase coming towards us. I pick it up and look up at Clay, our eyes locking when I do so. "Alright, let's go. And um, can we maybe not tell my brother about what happened? I don't want him to worry too much." I try to give him my best smile but I see him frown a tiny bit when he sees it doesn't reach my eyes. "Yeah, that's fine. Let's get going then."

And with that we are out the door and heading into his car. This should be fun.

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