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It's late, but Merry Christmas / happy holidays everyone!!! Also, for the second time in my stories, happy new year everyone! Here is to a better year!

I woke up to a knock on Clay's door. "Bro you in there?" Clay immediately stirs awake and looks at me with slightly panicked eyes.

"Yeah, but I'm not exactly decent so you can't come in. what's up?" He asks calmly even though visually you can tell he is freaking out. How someone can sound so calm but look so panicked is beyond me but he manages to do it.

"I got a call from Jimmy, he wants me to go over to film a mr beast video with him and some others and Karl has some stream ideas so im gonna head out there for a bit." he pauses for a minute. "Have you seen Cora? I went to knock on her door but there was no answer so I walked in and she wasn't there."

Shit. "Yeah the water pressure in the other bathroom wasn't working really well but she wanted to take a shower so i offered her mine. You know the pressure in here is incredibly high." He nervously chuckles at the end and motions for me to go to the bathroom, which I quickly do.

I quietly make my way to the bathroom and turn on the water and start to strip. It will help sell that I was taking a shower, and it sounds very nice right now. I hear their voices in the other room talking out but The water and the thoughts in my head are too loud to fully understand what they are saying.

Multiple thoughts swirl around my head as I step into the shower.

If my brother leaves, that leaves me and Clay alone for God knows how long and I don't know if I look forward to that or am against it. Will times of just me and him be awkward? No, they shouldn't be, this morning wasnt awkward between us. But then again we didn't have any time to ourselves.

And then there is the fact that I'm here to spend time with my brother and he is leaving. Is it even right if I stay here without him?

The sound of the bathroom door opening knocks me out of my thoughts. There in all his glory stands a smirking Clay whose eyes are all over my very naked body. "Hey, eyes are up here buddy." his head snaps up and his lust filled eyes meet my innocent ones.

"What else did my brother have to say?" I ask, continuing washing my body as I was before Clay had walked in. "Oh, um, he was just talking about how he wanted to talk to you about his plan to leave tomorrow and see how you felt about it. He also yelled at me for 'being indecent' while you were just in the next room from me." We both laugh at that last part.

He keeps his eyes trained on mine the whole time he speaks, not once looking at my bare body that is completely presented to him at this moment. That's something that makes me feel all warm inside, the fact that he doesn't look at my body if he thinks I don't want him to. It's sweet.

"Ok, well I'll be out in a few minutes." He nods, still not breaking eye contact. "I got out some clothes for you, they're on the vanity over here. I can also get you a towel because it looks like you haven't thought that far ahead." He teases making me fake a pout, trying not to break and smile.

"Don't be mean to me Clay, you might just break my heart." I place my hand over my chest to help the dramatic effect.

After some shuffling he opens the shower curtain and gives me a soft kiss. After a moment he pulls away, most likely to prevent getting overly wet. "I'm sorry baby, you know I'm just playin'. I'm gonna go make breakfast for everyone, have fun hun." and with that he leaves the bathroom, leaving me alone once again.

I finish up my shower, turn off the water, dry myself off then look at the clothes Clay has gotten out for me. I roll my eyes at the black matching bra and panties set telling me he has gone through my clothes to get these. Next is a pair of black leggings also pulled from my bag, but then there is also a tee shirt that I don't recognize and is a bit too big to be mine.

That sly son of a gun is making me wear his shirt. Great, I just can't wait to see my brother's reaction to this.

I quickly get changed and head out of his bathroom, into mine to put away the dirty clothes, then into the kitchen where my brother sits at the table and Clay makes pancakes and bacon on the stove.

"Hey Cora." MY brother looks up and eyes my shirt suspiciously. "Is that one of Clay's shirts?" This causes Clay to smirk and turn around, watching my reaction. Because I know that people are watching, I visibly stay calm. "Yeah, it is, I forgot to bring one in the bathroom with me so I asked if I could borrow one of his."

The lie rolls easily off of my tongue, and he seems to believe me by the way he hums and goes back to his phone while Clay chuckles silently and goes back to making breakfast for everyone.

"So I don't know if you heard or not but I'm gonna be going up north for a few days for a Mr. Beast video. How, um, how do you feel about that?" i stand still for a moment.

"I don't mind you going out for the video and to see your friends. I'll be here when you get back." I give him a supportive smile which he greatly returns, then gets up and gives me a hug which I give back.

Well, now to be left alone with Clay for a week. This should be fun.

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