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I wake up in Clay's arms and to the sound of meowing and scratching outside the door. Smiling, I managed to get out of his arms and make my way to the door, opening it and seeing the little orange and black feline at my feet. She meows looking up at me and rubs up against my leg, making my smile widen.

I pick her up and baby talk her all the way down the stairs, listening to her purr in my arms. I set her down on the counter as I get to the kitchen and begin making Clay and myself some food. I get out everything I need to make some french toast with Patches at my feet.

After the food is made I put it on plates and bring it up back to where Clay is most likely still sleeping, after feeding Patches of course. I bring the food up to my room and gently kick open the door, seeing Clay awake and on his phone. I smile when I see him. He smiles back.

"Hey, you." I smile a bit brighter and walk towards him. "I made breakfast for us." His smile grows as his eyes don't leave my face. I put the plates on the bed and make myself comfortable. "Thank you, you really didn't need to." "I wanted to, kinda like a thank you for yesterday." His smile falters a little bit as he replies. "I told you before it's no big deal. I'm just glad that you're feeling better now." I nod along with him. "Yeah, me too."

We both take a plate and start eating, him eventually turning on the TV for us to watch while we dine. Once we both finish he takes the plates and puts them on the bedside table and pulls me close to him, cuddling me which I certainly don't mind.

And that is how we spend our day, watching TV together, all cuddled up, only getting up to put the plates away, make lunch or going to the bathroom. That is until about seven at night when his phone goes off.

"Hey, George wants me to go on his stream for a little bit. Are you okay with that? You can come in and sit on the bed while I game if you want, or you can stay in here and watch TV, or-" My giggle cuts him off  from his rambling. "I'll sit on your bed, you go have fun." And with that we get up, turn off the TV and make our way into his room where his set up is.

The first hour or so goes by just fine with him talking to George and whoever else is on the stream while I play games on my phone or read or even just sit and listen to his voice for a little bit. Then I got bored. And when I get bored, ideas start to circle through my head and I tend to act on impulse.

So that is how I find myself standing up and walking over to Clay, plan in mind. Once I'm standing directly next to him he looks up at me and smiles, then mutes on discord. "Hey baby, what's up?" my stomach flutters at the pet name but I ignore it. I smirk back at him "Just sit back, unmute and enjoy the ride." and with that I unmute for him, leaving him visibly confused then crawl under his desk.

He still looks confused up until I crawl up in between his legs and prys his thighs open, then he seems to get the idea, his face lighting up red. I unzip his jeans and he helps me pull them off by lifting his waist for me to pull them down enough for his cock to spring free.

I stroke it a few times, feeling it get harder in my hand. Then I lick from the base to the tip, hearing him take a deep and shaky intake of breath. I look up at him in his eyes and find him already watching me. Keeping eye contact with him, I take the tip into my mouth and suck hard, making him break eye contact and roll his head back, biting his lip to prevent any sound coming out.

I bring my head down more, taking more of him in my mouth. I keep going until I feel him hit the back of my throat then bob my head, him now fully erect in my mouth. I continue to bob my head while watching him, watching his every reaction. I watch the way he brings his head back down and trying to re-focus on the game but failing horribly. His eyes keep peeking down at me as I do my work while he stumbles over his words when he talks.

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