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Walking into the house the first thing I see is a figure sitting on the couch. When he hears the door open he looks up at me and a giant smile breaks out on his face, one also finding its way on my face as well at the sight of my brother who I haven't seen in months.

"Αδελφός!" I exclaim as I run into his arms hugging him as if my life depends on it. I Can't help it, I just really missed this dummy. (Translation; Brother)

"I missed you αδελφή!" he mumbles in my hair through our hug. "I missed you too bud." (Translation; Sister)

When we pull away I look up to see a giant smile on his face, one similar to the one on my own. I hate the fact that I am older than him but he is taller than me. Granted I am only a year older but still, I should be taller! Stupid female genes making me short.

"Are you hungry? Surely you must be starving after your flight. Clay, go make food!" He dramatically points to the kitchen for Clay to go to, causing me to giggle. Ew, i hate giggling but again, stupid female genes. However, the small smile it got from Clay (and my brother) was worth the dumb girly action.

"Weren't you supposed to be making food?" My brother dearest freezes and gives an awkward smile, immediately showing he forgot to do it. Idiot.

"Fine, but only because I'm also hungry." Clay gets up to get to the kitchen but stops next to me before continuing "and if it means I get to see that smile again." he whispers before disappearing into the safety of the kitchen.

Why that little-

Ugh! How dare he leave me such a stupid blushing mess over just a few simple words like that. It literally doesn't even mean anything too special, it just means he thinks that I have a pretty smile. That's it.

"You good Cor? You look a little red." It has been decided, I hate Clay. I peek over to the kitchen and see him looking over at me amused with a small smirk playing at his lips. Yup, I definitely hate him. "Yeah, I'm okay, just not used to this Florida weather yet. It's just a bit hot, that's all."

He nods skeptically but seems to accept my answer thank God. I am not exactly lying though, it is quite hot in the house and I'm not quite used to weather like this yet so I could be a little extra red from the heat. My brother did once mention on a stream before how Clay has his house set on a high temperature, but now i know that it isn't just him exaggerating the heat and that the house is in fact very warm.

"Here, let me show you your room, dinner will be a bit and I'm sure you're tired." Clay says coming out of the kitchen and into the living room area where I'm sitting. As if on cue, a yawn escapes my lips causing both boys to laugh a little bit. Assholes.

"Come on, sleepy head, let's show you where you will be staying for the next two weeks." He holds his hand out to help me up which I graciously take, and then we head up the stairs to a hallway with a few doors.

"Your brother's room is downstairs, he can show you that later. The first door on the left right here is mine and yours is the first door on the right." He opens that said door as he speaks, showing me where I will be staying for a bit.

"You have your own attached bathroom right there and the second door on this side is my recording room but don't worry, if I do end up recording or streaming the room is soundproof so I won't wake you or anything." I nod.

"Are all of these walls soundproof?" I wonder aloud. "No, ironically every bedroom but this one is soundproof because of recording situations." I fake pout "Aw so I can't bring anyone in and have super loud mind blowing sex in here then?"

At first he glares at me, then a cocky smirk comes across his face and he walks closer to me. At first I take a step back but then I eventually take my ground and stay where I stand. He has no right to intimidate me, I have no reason to be flustered around him. He walks up to me and puts his mouth by my ear, barely touching it while he speaks.

"Princess, if you want to have super loud, mind blowing sex then all you need is to come into my room and i will show you that myself." And with that he backs up, winking at me in the process, leaving me completely frozen where I stand. Well shit.

"Get some rest, either your brother or myself will get you up when it is time to eat. Sleep well, beautiful." and just like that he leaves, leaving me completely flustered, turned on, confused and ever so slightly pissed.

Realizing that I am just standing there in the middle of the room like an idiot, I finally make myself settled for my nap.

If things between me and Clay continue like this, it is most definitely going to be a very long and interesting two weeks.

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