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Okay, keeping my distance has been proven extremely hard. I knew it would be hard living in the same house as him and all but avoiding him is even harder when he clearly doesn't want to be avoided.

Let me give you some examples of that.

First, after breakfast he wanted to watch another movie with me which I don't even understand why. I ended up politely denying him, saying maybe another time and going up stairs to my room to take a shower, brush my teeth and finish getting ready for the day.

Then he wanted to take me on a tour of the city. Unfortunately for him, if he had wanted to take me by myself my brother ended up over hearing him and offered to take me instead. He said Clay could come with us but that he also really wanted to be the one to show me around a bit. Clay ended up staying home.

After we got back Clay wanted to talk but I told him I was super tired from my adventure around the city which wasn't a complete lie, I did take a nap. He just doesn't need to know that the reason I took a nap was to avoid him a little bit. It's fine!

After my nap that lasted for about two hours we ate dinner while watching some show, I'm not even sure what it was. All of my thoughts were consumed by him. I could feel him staring at me every so often but I tried my best to ignore it. I can't get attached again, I just can't.

When dinner finished I went straight up to my room and started listening to some Ricky Montgomery and just thought some more. I really should be spending time with my brother though and I know that, that's the whole reason I'm even here yet here I am, letting some stupid boy consume my thoughts again.

Just as I get up to go ask if he wants to hang out at all a notification pops up on my phone. Twitch. 'Sapnap has just gone live!' Okay, maybe right now isn't the best time to be bothering him.

I'm somewhat known to the internet, people know that sapnap has a sister and I've been talked about but I've never actually been on a stream before.

An idea pops into my head and before I can stop myself I text my brother a simple text and wait for the response. A few minutes later it comes in.

Brother Dearest
Yeah of course! Come on in!

Taking a few deep breaths, I open my door and walk past Clays' open yet empty room and make my way towards my brothers. Once I get outside the door I take one last deep breath. This is it, no going back now.

"So now without further wait, here she is! Sisnap!" I hear as I open the door. "Is the camera on?" I mouth to him as he moves over, leaving his main seat for me to sit at. He shakes his head indicating no. Good.

I carefully sit in the gaming chair and put on the headphones as I was instructed to do. "Hi, chat!" I say cheerfully, faking a smile even though no one can see me. If I fake a smile for long enough maybe I will actually start to feel it and the nerves will go away.

"So I guess I'm just gonna run around on the Dream SMP for a little bit and just kinda see what happens!" I look over to the second monitor to see a lot of "Hellos" and "omg"'s.

After a few minutes of my brother and I joking around and the character running around doing random things, my nerves have finally subsided. Until a ding came through the headphones, indicating someone has joined.

"Holy cow, a woman on Sapnaps account" a voice speaks out, making me laugh. This makes my brother look at me with a confused expression before we both check who joined the VC.

Karl Jacobs. "Hello Karl." I laugh. Unlike Clay, I have spoken to Karl before and watched most of his streams. 

Then another ping. "¡Hola mamacita!" Ah yes, another friend I have spoken to once or twice before. For as long as we have talked he has always mindless and harmlessly flirted with me as a joke just to piss my brother off.

"Hi Quackity." I laughed at his comment. "My husbands!" my idiot brother yells from the floor beside me. "Yes you idiot, I am talking to your husbands." I roll my eyes with a smile.

The four of us continue to laugh and joke around while mining on the SMP for about an hour until yet another ping comes from the computer, showing that yet another person has joined our call.

"Hey! You guys sounded like you were having too much fun without me!" My breath instantly caught in my throat at the sound of him joining. I need to act normal, I can't be acting weird when hundreds of thousands of people are watching and listening to my every move.

"Hey Clay." I say with a smile, making the boys in the call 'ohhhh' "Wow Dream, you're on a first name basis with sisnap now?" Quackity teased causing Clay to chuckle. Out of the corner of my eye I see the second monitor with chat on it spamming different things concerning Clay and myself. Great.

Surprisingly the rest of the stream goes by really well. Things instantly died down about Clay and myself after a few minutes when Karl said something else stupid. Things between the two of us didn't seem awkward or strange at all. Well, not to me at least.

It was already midnight by the time the stream ended and I still sat on a call with the boys for about another half hour before I started yawning. My brother stood up, getting closer to the mic "Guys my sister is getting really tired and it is pretty late, so we are probably gonna head off now. Thank you all for joining the stream! Have a good night boys!"

Different variations of goodbyes and goodnights were heard from everyone except Clay. He stayed silent. After that I get up and say goodnight then head to my room.

Once I head up the stairs there stands Clay in all of his glory right outside his door.

"We need to talk."

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