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As Clay lays down on the bed next to me, I continue to sit there with a racing heart and my eyes wide open as I think about the thought I just had. I like him. No, there's no way. I can't like him, I barely know him!

But you do know him though my conscience tells me and I can't help but to agree. I know a lot about him.

His favourite colour is green, a lime green not forest or emerald like his eyes. He likes animals, especially cats. He loves his family more than anything else in the world and would do anything to protect them. He doesn't like huge adrenaline rushes or horror games. He loves my brother like family. He also likes the smell of fresh rain, although he smells like vanilla. The sound of rain calms him and often listens to it to help him sleep. He sleeps better when we fall asleep together. He loves to please his friends and will do anything to do so, even if it brings himself down a little in the process. He also loves his fans which is something I really like about him.

I can also sculpt his face with my eyes closed. I could put each freckle in each place with ease. I like the way his dirty brown locks constantly falls in his face, and I like the annoyed look on his face when it happens. I like the way his eyes light up whenever he sees me. I like the way he talks to patches in that cute little baby voice as if she could actually understand him. I like the way his nose scrunches up whenever I say or do something he doesn't agree with or like, even if it's just a joke. I like the way his body reacts to my kisses, my touch.

And his body, God his body. His neck and jawline is absolutely perfect, and easy for me to press kisses to. His chest isn't extremely muscular, but enough to where you can see some muscle from his home workouts. His torso/stomach is perfect in every way. There are no marks lining his body at all which is something I am slightly jealous of. The only marks along his body are the slight indentation of his abs. And his v line is to die for, so perfect.

Everything about him is perfect, even if he doesn't see it. To me he is absolutely perfect. Oh I am so fucked. I like Clay. This isn't good. I told myself that I wouldn't catch feelings yet here I am, feelings long past gotten. That explains a lot though, like why I react the way I do whenever he touches me, or calls me sweet nicknames. Shit.

"You okay?" I hear him ask from beside me. My expression goes back to a tired state before I lay down next to him and feel him bring me close to his body. "Yeah. I'm okay." I tell him but I don't think either of us really believe that. He only nods as he makes himself comfortable into me.

As we lay there my mind continues to race with these thoughts of Clay. How didn't I notice earlier? How could I let this happen? I told myself I would not feel anything more than a friendship towards him and now I like him? This cannot be happening.

"Your heartbeat is going really fast." He mumbles out from his position on my chest then moves his head to look at me. "What are you thinking about?"


"Just how much fun today was." I easily lie. "Let's just get some sleep, yeah?" He nods then cuddles back into my chest.

And that's how we fell asleep, Clay cuddled into my chest and nothing but thoughts of him on my mind as I fell asleep.

A bit shorter than normal chapter but I just want someone to think of me the way Cora thinks of  Clay.

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