Chapter 14 - I'll wait as long as it takes

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~ Shayne ~

I get a text message from Miles telling me I should take the opportunity to ask Pia out as he just got a call from Alicia saying they're going to meet at Club Vixen in an hour. I'm feeling a bit tired today as it's been a big week, but after reading that message I feel an instant burst of energy.

Thank you Miles

I sometimes sense that Miles has feelings for her and I often wonder exactly how she feels about him. It's hard to tell as he's sometimes touchy feely with her and she is openly affectionate towards him. But then she is openly affectionate to all of her friends and I have to agree with Miles, she really does give the best hugs.

I don't even give it a second thought as I accept and tell him I'll come down and meet up. I jump in the shower to freshen up and I manage to get myself readly in a reasonable time, although I spend extra time trying to decide what shirt to wear. I decide on my red fitted t-shirt that has an abstract print on the front. I figure it will be more comfortable if we are playing pool or dancing and I really want to make a good impression. I decide to spike my hair up abit into a 'sharkfin' as I was told she liked it the day we first me when I saw her on tour. I grab my cell phone, keys, wallet and head out the door.

When I arrive I can see that Miles and Alicia are already playing a game of pool, but I don't see Pia. I head to the bar and grab a couple of ciders. I know she will drink one as I know she loves to drink the same cider as me. I'm hoping she will be here soon, I can't wait to see her again. I scan the bar whilst waiting for my drinks and there she is... as I watch her approach the other end of the bar.

PIa is so beautiful. Long red hair and those amazing gold eyes.

She hasn't noticed me yet and I don't want to startle her, so I slowly move across the bar closer to her. I am slightly behind her and still doesn't see me as she's leaning across the bar, deciding what to drink. As I get closer I stand next to her and I gently brush my fingers down her arm to get her attention. Pia turns slowly to look at me, our eyes meet and I see a gorgeous smile spread across her beautiful face. My eyes are locked on hers...her golden eyes have me mesmerized and I can't help myself but stare at her.

Lost in thought.... wonder, what to say?

I suddenly remember I bought her a drink and quickly offer it to her and as she touches my hand to take the sends a shiver though me. I ask Pia if she wants to play a game of pool and she accepts my offer. Next she surprises me as she reaches out and runs her hand down my arm, then grabs my hand in hers. It feels like such an intimate guesture and it sends another shiver through me...I squeeze her hand as I flash her a smile.

As we slowly shuffle our way through the crowd, I notice that she's taking her time to get to the pool tables and I can't help but smile. She stops every now and then to let people pass, our bodies touch and I feel her warmth. I savour every second that I get to be close to her. We eventually reach the pool tables where Alicia is teasing Miles about something. Miles decides we should play a game of doubles and it's only then I realise, Pia and I are still holding hands.

I'm pretty sure she likes me now! Yes!

Of course I wanted to pair up and have her as my partner, besides I wasn't letting go of her hand and neither was she.

I turn to her, as I wink and say "let's show em' how it's done".

I offer to give Pia some pointers and she accepts as she explains that she's not sure what the rules are. I think I helped a little, although I think I distracted her abit as I noticed her breathing changed a little when I touched her. She seemed to get the hang of it and we won the second game. But I know I found it very hard to concentrate and keep my hands to myself.

I don't think she minded as I caught her staring at me several times and I couldn't look away either. Later in the night we hit the dancefloor and I took the opportunity to dance close to her and she surprised me again by grabbing my hands and pulling me in closer. By this time after the nights events so far, I'm finding it really hard to control myself as I pull her even closer. As we dance our faces are just inches apart and I'm really tempted to kiss her, but I don't.

Pia gave me a hug when we said our goodbyes the other night and it's been on my mind since. But tonight I got my wish as she gave me her number and hugged me again. Only this time it was longer and she lingered, so I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in tight as I held her for what felt like a a good ten minutes. To be honest I could have held her there all night, I didn't want to let her go. After tonight I'm pretty sure Pia likes me.

I really hope so!

We've been flirting with each other all night and she even surprised me a couple of times tonight as she grabbed me by the hand and she even winked at me. I didn't realise she had a cheeky side and it made me blush . I'm a little embarrassed as I'm pretty sure she noticed it too.

I wonder if she knows the affect she has on me.

Jarrod has told me a little bit about Pia's past and about Rhys a few months ago when we got back from the tour. After hearing what happened I couldn't help but feel a tug at my heart strings. Pia is so strong and I can't believe she's been on her own for such a long time. Although Jarrod tells me it's been her own choice since Rhys died, which I can totally understand . Ever since his death she's poured herself into work but it's only recently she's decided it's time for a change. Hearing that just makes me want her even more. I'd love the opportunity to be the one who makes her happy.

I love seeing her smile.....

 Tonight Pia suggested we have lunch sometime, so I take the opportunity to ask if I could have her number and we exchange details. I'm really excited and it's given me hope and I'm really looking forward to having the opportunity to talk with her. I'm looking forward to having some private time alone with her, so we can talk without any interruptions. At times I sense there have been moments where I feel like she's holding back, just a little. Perhaps she's unsure, but I can understand why and I want to get to know her better and to reassure her I won't hurt her.

Jarrod has already lectured me, that if I hurt Pia, he'll kill me. He knows I wouldn't dare, but I know he's just being the protective 'brother' to her. I know it's is the only reason he said it to me and I'm ok with that. But I also know that he approves because ever since the tour, he's been encouraging me to talk to her. Besides he would'nt have called me telling me to come down the other night it he didn't want me anywhere near her.

I really enjoy my job because I get the opportunity to make money from doing something I love. I love entertaining, going on tour and more recently I've started a new venture with a new side job. I'm working at Music Box helping Jarrod with vocal coaching and it's nice to share my craft with others and give something back. But if I'm honest I'm really loving it now as it means I'll get more opportunity to see Pia.

There's no rush though and I don't want to scare her away after everything she's been through. Although I'm finding it hard at times to control myself around her. I know I'm going to find it so hard to concentrate at work, that's for sure. But I know i'm going to enjoy every chance I get to see her.

I've been lying here in bed for the last hour wide mind is racing. I sent her a message earlier to let her know I had a great time and we exchanged a few more messages before she went to asleep. I can't sleep! I guess I'm a little excited for tomorrow because I'll get the chance to see her again.

I really like her, it's driving me insane...I can't stop stop thinking about her.

I've realised why she's scared but I'll wait as long as it takes....

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